
Monday, September 2, 2019

Motivational Monday - Labor Day

Today is Labor Day.  A holiday that creates a three day weekend that to most mark as the end of summer.  It is actually a day that we reflect on the laborers, working people.  I know many think this idea to celebrate the "working party" was originated by a political movement.  Nope, God has always had a plan for work, rest and compensation.

My dad was a union steward.  He spent all of his working career trying to make things better for all the employees of their company.  He took that responsibility to heart because he, in his life, had worked for or seen unfairness in the workplace.  He was also from the generation that worked, knew how to work and did it.  He was a good example.

So, for this Motivational Monday, I have been thinking about labor - working hard.  When I first quit my job to become a stay at home mom, everyone said "good job."  When my girls started school, everyone said "when are you going back to work?"  When I chose to become self-employed and start my little business Town Hall Trinkets, LLC, everyone asked "what is it you do?" and "when are you going to get a real job?"  People? Right!?  

Well, I just kept doing things that added income for our family.  It just happen to be a really cool job, one I REALLY enjoy!  I even was blessed to have both of my parents help me out at sales and such in the beginning.  My mom loved it.  

As the years went on, I just kept working.  Each year offered an opportunity to grow, learn, prosper and fail.  I let the Lord be my union steward, trusting in him to guide my steps.  The 30 and 40 something me, didn't always understand that.  I tried to be in control of everything....just ask Lisa!  "I'm the boss here today!"  I may have shouted that or...."my sale, my rules."  Anyway, the 50 some year old a bit wiser....(wink, wink).  I now know I'm NOT in control of really ANYTHING and that's o.k.  As long as I get up, put one foot in front of the other and and take the next right step.  I know I've said this before in a Motivational Monday post, but this "next right step" concept has become my mantra this summer.   It has really put my days in perspective.  

I would add that lately, people say "when are you going to slow down?" or "are you ever home?"....if they only knew, this is the pace I've always worked - actually, I have cut back this year.  This from the same people who earlier asked, "when are you going to get a real job?"  tehee.....  

So on this Labor Day, Motivational Monday, think about your work ethic and the effort you put into whatever it is you do and take the next right step.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

1 comment:

  1. I always tease hubby Bob when is he going to get a real job! When I retire and work the store he will say the same for me. My dad was also a union steward. Seems our lives are a bit parallel. Janice
