
Friday, November 16, 2018

Worker's Compensation

.....wait, I don't have that....I'm self-employed.  Anyway, I didn't mention this earlier in the year, but I fell pretty hard while removing this huge, heavy, milk paint, Norwegian immigrant made, homesteading farmer's wife's pantry.  

Yes, it was bad, but I couldn't let on like it know..."oh, I'm o.k.....(sad face)...." the family was there.  After the fall, they helped!

Well, after 30 years of bending, twisting, lifting, falling, carrying, hauling everything including one time a freezer up winding metal staircases on our shoulders.....Al and I decided we no longer are going to risk doing these things.  It was fun, I loved it, we enjoyed it all and the memories.  However, if you would have seen me under that 7 ft piece of'd see why Al said "No More!"  

So, now after a summer of estate sales and such and my progressively getting more and more hunched over....I decided to go in to the doctor.  He reminded me of something my mom had (probably because she did this same thing her whole life) that, in addition to what I do and the "injury" he felt xrays were in order.  My leg is also I'm gimpy too, it's been hard walking.  

I did get the results from the xrays, but haven't returned to the doctor yet.  I have some severe and chronic spondyloysis and anteolisthesis in my L5-S1.  The grades, according to Google is between physical therapy and surgery.  I will know more after my appointment.  

I forgot I took these pictures and sent to my friend to show her after I got home...the other bruising - lower, I didn't take pictures of.   The corner of that cupboard pinned my shoulder.  I didn't write this to get sympathy, so please don't leave those types of comments.  I know my friends and family wish me the best and are praying for me.  I guess I wrote this because, sometimes people say "you have the best job, can I join you....on a pick....set up estate out..."  I don't think anyone knows how much work this is.  How taxing it is on your body.  

I take that back, Pat G., one of my dear friends I met at Weight Watchers told me..."Jacky, I hope you do well with these items, you work so hard for your money."  That was after we took several loads from her farm.  They moved to the Madison area and couldn't take it all.  So, I bought it - she gets it!  

So, I will be slowing it down a bit now that I know I "have to"....

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Bob and I no longer take large heavy furniture to shows anymore. This old lady (me) can no longer handle lifting it anymore. You deserve to take it easy now Jacky. Hope you have a great weekend! Janice

  2. Ow - that looks really painful! I feel for you. I didn't have an accident or anything but have been having back problems. I've never had them before in my life, but find some days quite painful. Good decision to not do it any longer!

    1. If I do buyout heavy stuff...I'm bring someone younger and stronger to help me...LOL
