
Saturday, November 17, 2018

Opening Day

It's a holiday in the north woods of Wisconsin, Opening Day of deer hunting.  Al is already out in his stand.  I have a coffee cake in the oven, sirloin tip roasts to go in crock pot for sandwiches, nuts, crackers, sausage, venison know the regular staples during this time of year.  

I am headed out to go to "work" today.  This is the first time in years....I've "worked" on opening day.  Many moons ago, this was my busiest Saturday of the holiday season.   My friend, Lisa and I, would set up at a very popular craft show in our area.  Once my parents need in home care, I quit doing this show.  This year, we have set up our wares in a shop in Wausau called Theme:

We even went back to some of our old "favorites" - which are new ideas for this younger group of ladies.  On Wednesday, we went on a "pick" and found a basket full of these old syrup pails (berry picking buckets) and we made some of these.  

We have more to make and other "oldies but goodies" to bring in, as this shop will be open for the next 3 consecutive Friday and Saturdays.  We also picked some nice little primitives to add for next week.   

Tis the Season....

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I'm not a hunter, but it's a big thing here in Michigan too. Hubby and I went out walking today and although we were someplace where gun hunting is not allowed we did hear gunshots that sounded a little too close for hubby's liking!

    1. I don't hunt either, but can't deny them that do...I DO limit what is shot on my property tho. One time some hunters "treed - tree d" It's a word....a bear on our property. I could hear their dogs the back. They wanted permission to shoot it....I said nope. That bear is safe here - it's Switzerland! They were so mad! I said "call your dogs, you are not shooting that bear here!"

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