
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Old Seeds

No one bought these old seeds from our last estate sale.  Instead of tossing them, I thought I would give them a try.  Even if they don't come up, I'm only out my time.  I have extra garden space anyway.  

Have you used old seeds before?  Some of these packs are from late 1980's.  

We've had extra corn seeds that we put in the freezer and used the next year - believe it or not, it works.  However, I've not tried seeds this old.  

Do you save seeds?  I know my dad use to let some plants go to seed and he would collect them to use the next year.  He always had a huge vegetable garden.  My mom had her end with flowers.  When I say huge, I mean they bought part of the empty lot next to their house and put that all into a garden.  My parents had a double long lot in town and half of that was garden in addition to the extra lot.  No one in our neighborhood had a bigger garden than my dad.  When I was little we would sell the extra vegetables to neighbors so we had money to go to the fair.  Do kids do things like this any more?  They should.  This built my entrepreneural spirit.  

Well, outside to plant some seeds.  What are you doing today?

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.

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