
Thursday, May 31, 2018

May - You Didn't Bring Spring....

I feel like we never had a spring here in Wisconsin.   We had a huge snow storm on April 14-15, with 28" of snow...then in 2 weeks were were up in the 80' spring.  In fact, it was in the 90's here for the past several days.  90's and humid!  That's our August weather, not May!  

However, May did bring on the blossoms - apple, lilac, honeysuckle, rhododendron - all blooming like crazy.  Want to know what else is blooming like crazy?  Mosquitos - Wisconsin's real state bird!  CRAZY amounts!  My friend, Karen posted a picture from her car's back up camera.  She ran from the house to car with a swarm of them chasing her and hitting her back windows.  Deer flies, gnats...makes going outside terrible.  We are held hostage to them, in the car, house, barn....etc.  My hair line is peppered with bites from working in the garden.  Ok, enough complaining...we could have 28" of snow - it's still Wisconsin after all!

I've had a busy May, let's not lie...I've had a busy 2018 thus far and the summer is booking up with sales and events.  I have been on so many "picks" this past month and more lined up.  I don't know what is going on, but I LIKE it!  My barns are to sell!  I might even do my own evening auction here with boxes of buy out stuff.  We shall see....if you want to follow along with these things....LIKE my 2 main pages: and    

June will bring to the farm:  to the barn and outbuildings some fresh paint, rhubarb recipes, chicks (you will not believe where those hens are setting), weeding...weeding..., a possible remodel on the old milk house, possible additional small outbuilding or 2 (wink,wink...Al?), honey extracting and projects with my "4H kids".  I want to get back to sharing posts about these things with all of you.  

I had to give blogging a break, when I hit this "impossible to reach" view number...I couldn't keep up....pushing for new content was like a full time job.  However, I don't need to hit those numbers, I just need to share and write.  Numbers are just that - numbers and who's counting anyway....

We brought home an old dog, Cooper, from that living estate sale we did for Dan and Lynne Holt.  They had to move to an assisted living and Cooper couldn't come.  He is a sweet old dog.  He sleeps a lot....

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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