Monday, August 8, 2016

He Knows My Name - Francesca Battistelli

I love this song, for many reasons.  It came on the radio once, when I "needed" to hear it.  Jesus sure sends us messages at the right time - if we are willing to listen and recognize them. 

It reminds me of that moment when I had my feelings hurt at an antique show.  As I was sulking, driving home, this song came on the radio.  He reminded me that "I don't need my name in lights" it helped me at that moment and every time I hear it now.  It was a little "slap in the face" and helps me keep things in perspective.

Well, Francesca Battistelli was going to be in Wausau for a FREE concert (thank you all who organized this event).  It happened to be the last night of the fair, I am one of four superintendents in a department and really am supposed to be in my area helping exhibitors collect their items.  I haven't missed a Sunday night at the fair since we joined 4-H (like 19 years).  I did this year...I actually had to keep myself from feeling guilty.  Thank you to my co-superintendents who gave me the O.K. (wink) not to be there.  Thank you to the other 4-H families who helped pick up our club's fair booth.

Also, we had half of our field down ready to bale.  Al did 4 wagons of small bales without my having to stack them and unload them.  What a man...really...he unloaded 3 of the wagons alone!  He put 50 bales up the elevator, turned it off, ran up to the top of the barn, stacked the bales, run back down, got back on the wagon and...repeat...over and over.  Thank you Al, I love you!  We have another wagon yet, but we gave the hay to our friends for their donkey.  What they don't take, I will unload.  

All this, so I could go to the concert!  It was amazing!  I just love her music.  She has so many great songs!  I even bought the "I don't need my name in lights" t-shirt.  Yay!

Justine and I found a small area pretty close to the stage.  Estimates are that over 5,000 people were there.  It was packed.  The last songs had everyone on their feet singing and praising.  It was beautiful.  I am so happy I was able to go.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


1 comment:

  1. I know what your talking about..I got one a few weeks ago from someone I really liked..It happens try not to take it to heart and keep moving..Greater things are yet to come..You "ROCK"!! Love the song..
