Tuesday, July 19, 2016

"It's all a Swap - Vintage Pop Up Sale"

If you know me, you know my mind is always turning, trying to think of the "next" thing I want to try or do.  My entrepreneur spirit must be party gypsy.  

I have been thinking about swap meets.  Not that one...the image that just popped in your head...rather, an upscale swap.  One where you would actually want to barter, trade or swap with another person.  

An image of a 1940 something, WWII era woman comes to my mind.  Hard working women, who had loved ones fighting and they stepped up and filled in where needed.  I can imagine many had a circle of friends or community where they could rely on each other to barter, trade or swap to fill their needs.  I love this time frame...maybe it's because my mom lived this - told stories like this.  Like how her mom, my grandma Kincaid, would mend or bake something for someone and then swap this for something she needed.  No money exchanged, just the value of what each felt their talent was worth.  

It was a hard time for women, who were asked to "serve" and still continue with their domestic duties.  Remember, this was a time of cooking from scratch, washing by hand and ironing.  I love that I come from a long line of tough women who rolled up their sleeves and helped where they could.

My mom told me stories of her and her sister Joyce pulling a wagon around their little town asking for donations of metal and paper.  

She shared stories of the ration books

Truly a tough time in not only American history - but, world history.  I know that there were strong women in other countries that were doing the same.  

So, in memory of this time, the "spirit" of true trade and barter, I am hosting a vintage swap here at my farm.  "It's all a Swap - Vintage Pop Up Sale" will be held on Sunday, August 21 from 3-6 pm.  

I know many a creative friend who can sew, braid hair, take photos, can, garden, fix things, who also collect vintage and antiques.  I would love to see some of you here.  Please bring examples of your talent along with items you would like to swap with other creative people.  

Have extra household items, clothing, purses, jewelry and such?  Swap them with someone who maybe has an extra McCoy planter, tin of buttons or some blue mason jars that you would love to have.

Have extra eggs?  Swap them with someone who would love some fresh eggs in exchange for lets say...a home made potholder.

Do you can?  Swap with someone who would love to have some pickled beets in exchange for some honey....or, trade a bushel of tomatoes, a dozen sweet corn for maybe a homemade apron, vintage piece of jewelry or even a photo shoot.

Love to braid hair, do makeup or take photos?  Swap that with someone who would love to feel special in exchange for a table that they happen to paint and upscale. 

I hope this explains my vision for this event.  If you have any questions please leave me a comment.  The more people we have to swap with the better our event will be.  Don't just bring 1 item...bring a few.  Invite your creative friends.  Follow along on the face book page here:  https://www.facebook.com/itsapopup/

It will be held in one of those buildings....hopefully...

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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