
Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Missing an Ingredient

Last night, I had some sourdough looking at me - it was ready to be fed.  So, I looked up "sourdough discard recipes" yet again.  I wanted to try a sandwich bread.  I am old school, so I wrote down the recipe on paper.  I made a mistake and missed an ingredient...but, it turned out anyway.  Not everything turns out when you miss an ingredient.  

I may have to circle back to that concept for a ladies Bible study.  

I started late - as in 6 pm.  Sometimes, I am ready for, even at times, in bed at 8 pm.  I yelled to Al in the living room "it's going to be a late night for me.  I'm starting bread."  I am also old school with the mix and kneading it by hand.  I got a workout with this loaf, but it was worth it.  I put the dough in a container with a lid and actually, I used my dishwasher.  I usually open the door and let my dishes air dry instead of using the washer.  Then it hit me...I'm going to put the dough in there for the first rise.  It was perfectly warm.  I cut the doubling by at least 30 minutes.  Well, that worked so well, that I rolled the dough and put it in a loaf pan and put it back in the dishwasher.  

That took half the time as well.  Maybe it won't be a late night after all.  I baked it, let it cool on the counter and went to bed.  I fell asleep to the wonderful smell of fresh bread - it's the little things really (wink, wink).

I'm so pleased with how it turned out.  I don't even miss the ingredient (butter) - well, I put enough on the finished product anyway. 

Toast with my spiced apple butter jelly.  So good!  

So, what is the point of this post?  Dicky Bird, we've seen enough of your bread now...move on.  The point is, what I need to hear this Wednesday - hump day - just because you may be missing an "ingredient" doesn't mean the "product" is ruined.  Just go with it, "bake" it anyway.  It may end up being something better than what you expected.  

Dicky Bird, you are missing (xyz), but, be yourself, do what you can do, keep plugging along....all is not lost.  You may feel like you need a rapid rise, in half the can do it.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.

P.S.  The testing ruled out all the "scary", now I need to get to the "rapid rise" stage - with missing ingredients - so I can be whole again.  


  1. Your bread looks phenomenal! (Especially the version toasted with apple butter LOL.) I need to do some baking soon but it seems like my days are filled with endless appointments and have-to-do's...and I seem to be moving so very slow. I think I need some "rapid rise" short cuts. Glad to hear the testing ruled out the "scary" stuff. Keeping you in my prayers. ~Robin~

    1. Thanks Robin. I appreciate the prayers. Grief, loss it slows us down - wipes us out at times. I've been praying for you too.

  2. Nice lesson! The bread turned out just wonderfully

    1. Thanks Sharon. I hope I can make another loaf like it. (wink, wink)

  3. Thanks you. I also appreciate the prayers

  4. Not a fan of of sourdough but do love all other homemade bread. Janice
