
Thursday, January 19, 2023

Silly Things Thursday

 I was in junior high school, home economics class.  We were divided into groups.  Each person in the group had a "job" to do for our project of making beef stroganoff.  Mine was to write down the recipe.  You know, you only have a class period to make it and be graded.  Anyway, my nerves got the best of me.  As we were making the stroganoff, ours didn't look like the others.  We called the teacher over and she said...."look at the recipe, it calls for 1 T of flour, you wrote down 1 C of flour!"  Oh, the other girls in my group (some of them were normally 'B oeches' anyway, hence my nerves to begin with) were so mad at me!  We had to put our whole dish in a strainer and wash it off (to save ingredients) and remake it.  Needless to say, I wasn't involved in the remake.  I still think of that today and now laugh as I think of their mad faces!  It's a funny food story.   Here are few funny food jokes:

"I like to cook dangerously, I take whisks in the kitchen."

"What do you say to an avocado who's done a good job?  Bravocado!"

"Did you know the first French fries weren't actually cooked in France?  They were cooked in Greece."

O.k. that's enough.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Funny our home ec.teacher was a brand new teacher. Gave a demonstration on a certain cookie and forgot the flour. She swore us to secrecy lol

  2. oh you poor thing, girls can be so unkind. i'll bet you make wonderful beef stroganoff now, or perhaps because of this experience, you have shied away from making it!! funny food jokes!!

  3. Oh I remember Home Ec. It was hard for me to sew because I was a lefty and I could not get it. I did love to cook though. So sorry you had to go through the mishap of your recipe. Loved the jokes! Janice

  4. LOL...funny story and funny funnies. I loved Home Ec... Don't you wonder whether those "b-oechy" girls who got so mad at you can cook even half as good at you now?? ~Robin~ (The Cranky Crow)
