
Monday, January 30, 2023

Free '23 - January

 Ending the month of January in my "Free in '23" challenge.

What have I been able to be "free" from?  

Well, on one small corner of my house (teehee), I decided to devote the top of my favorite cabinet to display monthly themed decor.  I really loved this month.  I reused some of the Christmas decor and added my little bear collection.  

I love the tiny bear!  Taking front and center is my newest bear, I'm calling him Charlie as I bought it from the Charles & Judy Melzer estate we did.  I love him!  

So a little work on "clutter free in '23" 

I also made up a recipe, really good actually, only I didn't write it down.  I plan to remake similar soon.  "Fat free in '23" is a zucchini, cranberry, applesauce muffins.  

I am now "garlic free in '23"  I used up all I had planted and in storage from my '22 garden.  I want to be better at planting only what we will use and not have so much spoil.  Although, on our list of things to do in '23 - is to build a root cellar in one of the stalls in our barn.  

Working on "guilt free in '23" too.  I always make myself feel guilty about things.  I mean not bad things.  Things like saying no or staying home or working when I don't want to (I'm self employed and my boss is terrible)!  So, I said no to going out of my way for several customers and chose time with my family instead.  I made a post on my business page and it was so well received.  It made me happy!  It's one step closer to saying "yes" less.  

I grew up in an extremely legalistic church.  As pastors changed the degree of legalism varied - which should have been a sign that maybe some of that wasn't biblical.  You can't "guilt" people into a relationship with Jesus!  You can't "guilt" them into a fear of going to Hell either...I experienced both.  I still believe the salvation issues of my faith, but no longer bind myself with the legalistic church standards.  My brother is my pastor now and I only feel guilty because I love him and want to show up to support him.  Anyway, it's been cold, icy, dark January....and I didn't want to go to church on a Thursday, I sent this to the group....

Still working on me in '23.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Your corner cupboard is so the lights and the bears and the wintry touches. I very much get the "guilt-free" seems to be an unattainable goal for me most times...It's as though I can manage to feel guilt about almost anything and everything. Yes, it's been cold, dark, and icy....and it is wearing on me. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  2. Your cabinet is just perfect! So glad you freed up the space to decorate monthly and look forward to seeing more! I wish our grocery store carried fresh cranberries now They only do it during the holidays. Janice

    1. I always buy them and freeze them. I love cranberries! Thanks I do love that cupboard!
