
Monday, February 14, 2022

I Will - LOVE


I Will Monday 

Happy Valentine's Day!   Al bought me roses!   

I was thinking about "I Will" in regards to Valentine's Day.  Today we think of all the ones we love and show them.  I will do that!

Many of my Monday blog posts come from Sunday's sermon.  Yesterday, while I was listening, I was thinking about how I would use what he was saying in this "I Will" mindset I have.

Sometimes, we are in situations, have people who we are connected to, have a job, our health - oh, you know, all the things that we could say.....we DON'T LOVE.  However, our I WILL should reflect our determination to keep doing.

I don't love that it is snowing today, as I need to go into town, but I will enjoy this February day and drive slow.

I don't love that my stove is making a crazy noise, again, but I will continue to use it until it dies.

I don't love that (someone I love) is having a difficult time right now, but I will show them I care.

I don't love that my entry and living room are full of sold lots, but I will make arrangements for pickups.

I don't love that the realtor will be showing the house I will be working at, while I'm working there, but I will still work at it much faster now.

I don't love that this month is going by so fast and I have a show to get ready for, but I will keep track of my time mangement better.

So, when we find ourselves in a don't love - think about I will.  I know I  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Lovely post. I need to do more of thinking of the positive along with the negative. I was thinking of that a little this weekend. I was having a few rough days before going away thinking of Mum and missing her. While we were away I was still thinking of her, but it made me smile as I know that, if we were to be able to chat, she would be laughing at my antics out in the ice and snow. She used to love hearing about my winter and knowing that it wouldn't happen there!

    1. Yes, I'm sure your mum would! I know loss is a loss no matter the span of time. I miss my parents and always will. I do like to think on the happy memories. My niece made a family "In Loving Memory of" fb page. I post on there all the time..."Hi mom, I made your favorite recipe" kind of posts. It is wonderful to read what other families share as well.

  2. very pretty flowers. A very good way to think about it.

  3. Oh I could give a lot of I dont know quotes, but will keep them to myself. LOL Beautiful roses! Bob and I do not celebrate Valentine's Day, but I did go out and get subs for dinner tonight so I did not cook. I ran out of ink in my printer and had to drive an hour to get more, which is the reason why I did not make dinner. Hopefully all will go well in the house you are working in with the realtor. I knew a realtor once that would not list a home until it was cleaned out. In his defense, it was a total pig sty as he let us in it. Janice

    1. Oh, I've had those houses....more than once. This one is super clean and because it is a living estate - moving to an assisted living - they took alot with them. So it should go fast. We went to a chicken place last night near this estate house. My husband came after work to "dig" around....ahahha

  4. Happy Valentine's Day Jacky! Beautiful roses!! ~Robin~
