
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

I Do Declare

 I mentioned in yesterday's post that last week I was really "clicking" with the flippant quotes.   I've started writing these down for various uses (wink, wink).  Today's share is this:

"I'm not going to make my life more difficult, just because you made yours."  

Now, I honestly, don't remember, you can even ask Al, because I asked him this morning, why did I say this?  What was it about? Oh, don't get me wrong, I have a plethora of examples from the past week....ahahaha.  I don't mind "helping" people, that's what I do.  What I do mind is an urgent cry for help, expecting me to jump up and do something.  I use to, do this, as a people pleaser.  However, I'm trying not to and this quote helps.  I remember saying it, writing it down and thinking....YES, I do declare, this is my new battle cry.  

I've actually been letting "things" marinate before I take an action.  Just because people find me accessible doesn't mean I need to be so accessible.  Ahaha that's a new quote.  I wrote it down.

I don't know if you, my reader, gained anything from this post other than Dicky Bird is getting snarky in her old age.   Please...birds don't snark they poop on you....just be happy I don't do that!  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. It is always good to say no than not be happy doing it. My husband hates to say no to anyone.

  2. Learning to say no doesn't mean you don't care, it just means you care about yourself too! I had a hard time learning that but I got over it and so did they! lol

    1. Thanks, you are right, it's saying yest to me and they will get over it. Great advice.

  3. Snarky...cranky...all one in the same LOL. Today's quote is a sage one...and I have learned it for the most part (guess I was never much of a "people pleaser" ;-) ), but still struggle when Little Crow "squawks"... I suppose it's a selfish thing as it makes me feel needed. "Needed" is not as good as "wanted" but some of us take what we can get and are the happier for it. ~Robin~

    1. When my "little birds" squawk, those I do do, say yest to. It's the other vultures that I need to say no too. Ahhahaha
