
Monday, October 11, 2021

Motivational Monday - Who Are You?

 We watched the movie "Overcomer" last night.  It was very good.  I was challenged by a line and really the general theme of the movie.  The main character was asked, "who are you?"  As he went down the list of his "titles" the question was, "should that be taken away, who are you?"  It went down all the way until this person finally hits the point where he felt his "who are you?" was answered.  It was a pretty powerful scene.  It challenged me to think about who I really am and the person I want to be.    

It reminded me of a Cherokee legend of the 2 fighting wolves.  Maybe you've heard it.  The grandfather is telling the grandson the legend as he gets to the end, the grandson asks, "which wolf wins?"  The grandfathers says, "the one you feed."  

We all face battles of good vs. evil; shoulds vs. shouldn'ts; yes vs. no's; I am vs. I'm not; the battle of each side.  Think about some of your own "battles" and ask yourself, "which one will I feed?"

I hate to say, but we - humans - are divided on just about everything.  It seems like "we" make "it" about - one vs. the other.  This is in itself, the "divided" is a "which one will you feed?" too!  Choosing to be divided is feeding division.  

I just hate to see the things I see on EVERYTHING.  The comments, the posts, the name calling, finger pointing, he said she's has turned...I'm trying to think of someting really bad...I is nuclear....a nuclear bomb.  I can't even believe the craziness!  

I have been asked plenty these past couple of years, "why aren't you getting involved in ....."  "why aren't you speaking out, up?" "we need to know how you feel?", no you don't.  No, no I'm not going to do any of that!  I'm not feeding that wolf.  Each of the wolves, not matter what side, bites!  Wolves bite!  

I will however, think about who I am and who I want to be ... that, that's the wolf I will feed.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. The legend of the two wolves inside is one of my favorites. Unfortunately, while I try, sometimes I forget about it. I wish I could have it tattooed on my brain. Few things carry so much truth. And I need to be more cognizant of which wolf I am feeding... Thanks for the reminder. ~Robin~

    1. It's a good one. I forget too at times. Thanks for the comment. I hope all is well with you.
