
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wisconsin Association for Home and Community Education - WAHCE State Conference

 At one time, in every county in Wisconsin (I'm sure the same for other states) there was a county agent at the UW Extension for every kind of need that one could think of.  An "expert" available for questioning, direction and or reference you to "fix" your need.  

One such agent was the HCE (Home and Community Educator).  Marathon County doesn't have one any more.  We did, not that long ago and she was the best!  This agent, would help the "homemaker's" with connecting with one another, arranging community service events, held classes on "how to (fill in the blank) and so much more I am unaware of.  

I was approached by our agent, Jackie Carattini, several years ago to put together a presentation about "downsizing."  Here is the link to that post:

At that time, I had no idea how many times and how many different variations of this presentation I would present.  It has developed into a rather fun, interactive session.  From that beginning, UWSP Continuing Education, Antique Societies, small ladies groups and more to go back to HCE yesterday.  

I was asked to host 2 classes for the state convention, being held in Stevens Point, WI.  A needle felting class and a varation of the above called "Shine a Light on Your Mountain of Clutter."  I was a bit nervous when I found out that 60, 60 were signed up for the "clutter" class and they had an overwhelming request for the felting class.  Both filled quickly and I added more for the felting.  Of 30 classes offered in 2 days, 3 were "sold out" - 2 were mine.  I only say this, because when you're self employed you don't always have the ability to share your big and little successes.  I fill all the roles in my "company" and marketing myself in that manner is hard for me.  

I enjoyed sharing my "gifts" and "experiences" with those who took each session.  I also gained several tips and stories to add to my presentation and classes. 

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Wow...that is something to be very proud of... Yay you!! Love the ladies' felted must be a great teacher...I don't believe my first felted piece looked that good LOL. ~Robin~

  2. I have tried felting and I mostly got myself with the needles. I am always de-cluttering. Always a bag to the dump or thrift.

  3. You are a wonderful teacher and mentor. Way to go! Janice
