
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dream Small

 You don't often hear to dream small.  It's always "dream big" and there is nothing "wrong with having them, but don't miss the little things on your way to bigger dreams."

As I work, I usually have the radio playing in the background, not that I listen, really.  But, yesterday, there was a line in this song that interested me.  So I looked it up on Youtube, here is the link:  Dream Small - 3 Heath Brothers (Josh Wilson wrote it).  

"Dream small, don't buy the lie you've got to do it all, just let Jesus use you were you are, one day at a time.  Live well, loving God and others as yourself, find little ways where only you can help with his great love"

I don't believe in coincidences, as you know.  I do believe in little messages that are for us if we are open to receiving.  I recently had a dream about children that I have worked with in 4H and the dream showed me them as productive adults - truthfully, they all are.  I woke thinking that I, in a small way, had a role to play in their life.  Not that any accomplishment they achieved was a reflection on me.  It just had my thinking about how little thing add up.  

When I moved to the farm, I had "big dreams" of (lots of stuff truthfully).  Most of those, I was unable to achieve.  What we did accomplish here, were day by day little steps toward our goals.  These little steps, insignificant as it may seem to me/us, had an impact on others.  

Yesterday, I met a new client that I was hired to help liquidate a Micky Mouse Collection.  As we walked around her home, she showed me this cute little shelf, she said..."hey, I got that from the Ringle flea market, oh I love that one, it's my favorite."  I said, "did you know that started at my farm 25 years ago, I set up that event."  She couldn't believe it.   I one knows it...and that's ok...I do.  In fact, I have found joy in it.  What kind of light would I have if it only shone on me and my accomplishments?  

And then, now this song....I'm receiving it as a message to me on multiple levels.  Don't think that the little things you do for yourself and others don't add up, they do.  Sure, "big picture" time or goals, have them!  But, build your foundation on the small things it takes to get there.  Don't miss this!  The blessing comes in the little steps. 

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I do believe that what you did for the kids made a difference in how they saw the world and that they are productive adults because your influence . My husband taught building trades, We went to a picnic years ago and low and behold there was one of his students from 20 years ago with a family of his own. He came right up to us and shook his hand and thanked him for saving him. He was in a class where the teacher picked on him. Yes this kid had some issues but my husband went to the office and asked to take this kid he was tired of seeing what the teacher was doing. They said yes and the rest is history. He is a productive adult with a lovely family. So life is truly the small things you are right.

    1. Oh, that is an awesome story, thank you for sharing. Bless your husband. I'm happy he was able to see him as an adult!

  2. Yes little things do add up. I always told my grandkids if they see a penny, pick it up...because you pick up enough of them, they will add up. Janice

    1. There are lessons in little things for sure!

  3. Hi Jacky, it's been a very long time since I stopped in for a visit. You probably don't remember me, but I'm trying to resurrect my blog. There have been a lot of changes and I'm not sure how to work with them. Your message today hit home for me, it was a reminder I needed. I am making changes and trying to accomplish much but it must be a little at a time. Blessings!

    1. Welcome back to blogging. It's like falling off a horse, you just get back in the saddle. Thanks for the comment. It's nice to hear from you again.
