
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Cultivating Creativity

 As I have a long way to go, I've come a long way too.  Something I've noticed about creating a space to cultivate creativity in, is that - you need one!  

Currently, that space for me is in the house, as there is too much junk in front of the furnace in the studio/shop - that's the long way to go yet, that I mentioned...ahahha

It is that, that I want to post about.  

My journey as a (fill in the blank) has roots in (fill in the blank) that grew into what it is, that I am today.   Thing is, that sentence is true to ALL of us no matter what you fill your blanks in with.  

Cultivating more creativity in my life, will involve practicing a modified version in my lifestyle.  As someone who looks at other's estates, items or collections, ALOT, it's hard for me to keep my (fill in the blank) in check.  However, this most recent sale I'm doing, I have been really good!  I wanted more than I bought.  After my summer of "destash my stash" and shuffling "stash to other buildings" I don't need it.  Oh, and another "pat on the back" moment, was last week when I looked at some items for sale.  I could have made money on them, just not "enough" to make it worth my time.  I said "no thank you."  

In the past, I may have convinced myself that I needed these things to fill some kind of void.  I don't need to be reliant on objects to just have them or because they are a good deal.  This creates too much clutter and it's detrimental to my peace of mind.  Rather, I want to add items that bring joy and quality to my life.  

I have had (still do) a mountain of other's objects in my buildings.  I guess, I'm saving for "just in case" - I need to sell something for money.  I've made a life and living out of selling what I bought from others, including when I "needed" to.  I was able to replace the trasmittion in a van, $3,000, by selling some vintage Barbie items.  I wanted them, but I needed a van more.  Had I not bid on and bought all of that, for $300 at an auction, I wouldn't have had it for my "need to sell" moment.   

My, "I've come a long way" is that I really don't "need to." I've never been lacking, God has always provided for my needs.  I just happen to forget that at times.

For me, to CULTIVATE (2021 word of the year) creativity, I will begin here.  I will continue to create at my kitchen table, but I will also continue to let go of what is in front of the furnace in my studio/shop.  

This picture has everything I like, could have bought, could have made money on...but, I don't "need to."  

 Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  



  1. I have been purging a little bit each day. Am trying to simplify my home. I give you credit for not purchasing...I might have had too, Janice

  2. I so get it....and in many ways think we are at similar places in our somewhat similar journeys. I have not been as successful as you in "purging" yet, but I have taken some baby steps in really analyzing whether I "need" something enough to add to the "collections" (umm, no...I have not come far enough to call it a "stash" LOL). I missed your listings when they first went up for this last estate...and missed out on things I loved (most of which are in the photo enough....oh, and the fish plate), but I convinced myself to look at it as a "favor from above" rather than a "Dang, I missed out" moment. (But I am still kinda mourning the littler bench and the fish plate LOL). ~Robin~

  3. Such an encouraging post. I have a wonderful image in my mind of you creating at the kitchen table.
