
Monday, October 5, 2020

Motivational Monday - R&R

 Good Monday morning.  Last Monday afternoon, I finally took care of something I should have done, months ago.  Thanks to the "hand I was dealt" as in, these are my cards:  bullheaded, I hate the doctor, Covid 19, "it's nothing" and thinking I'm super woman....I lost!  I want new cards and I'm working on that!  I won't go into detail, but I did have some skin cancer removed.  I don't know what I was expecting, but it's not what I got.  

So, that forced me to take some R&R.  I have been running around here for months, trying to clean out at least 1 shed or building before the snow.  I thought I would just jump right up on Tuesday morning and get to it.  Nope, that was not happening, nor did it happen all week.  

So today for this motivational pep talk, I want to remind us that sometimes we need some R&R (military terms: rest and recuperation).  Oh, don't get me wrong, I take naps, spend useless hours Netflixing, surfing the net, watching YouTube and I am guilty of that kind of "rest."   However, for me, my mind is always thinking about what I "should" be doing.  I am quick to jump up and get things going, no matter how I feel.  Well, guess what?!  Sometimes we forget about recuperation.  

I could "preach this" (you know I come from a long line of ministers, it's in the genes).  I could go so many ways with this message, just on recuperation.  Maybe for a future Bible study. Webster defines it as, "to get back, regain" and "to bring back in use, revive."  Welp, yes welp...if that don't beat all!  This is how my whole 2020 has been going.  I'm trying to "regain" space and "revive" my PROGRESSION to a better me.  

Now, today, instead of looking at last week as unproductive, I can now look at it like a recuperation to regain and revive.  I am a hopeless optimist you know.  It's the little things that I get excited and motivated about - even the definition of a word.  

Shannon, my part-time "employee" (I hate saying that, it sounds pretentious, however I do pay her for helping me), said to me "we've never been this 'far' back in your building" and "look you had a table with tags all set up out here."  Yes, I did.  She said "guess what year is on these tags?"  I said, "probably 2014"  She said "you're right, how'd you know?"  "Well Shannon, that is the year both of my daughter's married and left home.  I guess 'I lost my way' for a few years, but I'm back."  

You know, I said that like 2 weeks ago, but I understand it better today, thanks to R&R.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Hope all is well. No rest for me yet until after Christmas is ready at the store in November. Janice

  2. Well....I guess that somewhat explains why you have been on my mind and in my thoughts more than usual recently. :-( So sorry to hear about the cancer....and so hoping it was one of the "less serious" (if there is such a thing ha!) forms of skin cancer. I was "surprised" with melanoma several years ago...and it has changed my life. If you ever need an ear to bend, I'm here GF. I am glad you are a perpetual optimist....I tend to be a pessimist (if you haven't noticed LOL). I admire your spirit and determination. Yeah....I want a re-deal too. Take care...and be well and safe. ~Robin~
