
Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Little Things That Make Me Happy - Day 6/Day 7

Due to Covid 19....I've had to be creative in how I sell....I was invited to set up at a market in Antigo.  We have friends and family living there and it's only 30 minutes from me.   So, the little things that make me happy....these pictures represent a few...

1.  Sunny days to set up at a market 
2.  Booth is under a tree - you don't need to haul out the tent
3.  Time with your friends
4.  Selling....a lot!
5.  Helping a friend/customer sell some of her items
6.  Friends/family visiting 
7.  Compliments (love those!)
8.  All the SHARES on social media - view numbers amazing!
9.  Events with great food
10.  Friends coming out and sending pictures of what they bought and how they used it in their homes.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin