
Monday, August 17, 2020

Motivational Monday - Ability & Sustainability

Good Motivational Monday Morning.  You know I am always in need of a little motivation, none more so than on Monday.  Al is on vacation this week, so we slept in until 6 am. (ahaha).  When I woke, I thought "oh no, we overslept" or "wait, what day is it?" and "what do I HAVE to do today."  The last question, honestly, I wake to almost every morning; and I'm self-employed.  

One would think, that Dicky Bird has all the time in the world, you know she "doesn't work."  Over the years, I've heard that and more.  Self-employment is just the opposite.  My "business" is here at the farm, so I don't ever really get to leave it and go home.  To be successful, you need to find a balance between - "that" out there and "this" in here.  I often times set time goals as in 9-noon on "that" and 1-3 on "this."  

Truth though, is that there is way more of "that" than "this" right now.  If you follow regularily, you know that I've been destashing my stash.  As an antique dealer, I often times "buy out" a whole house or entire contents of an estate.  I box it all up, load it in the trailer and haul it here.  I sell what I can to get my money back first.  The rest, often times get stored in my pole building - for years.  The household stuff isn't fun....ahahah.

In over 30 years of doing this, I've destashed my stash a dozen times.  Now that I am in my 50's however, the destash has become harder for me to do.  My goal is to fill 1 garbage bag a day.  Unfortunately, being stored in a pole building, has it's demise to some items.  Yesterday, I opened the big doors to the shed and I just stood there....I'm overwhelmed...what to do, where to continue and it hit limitations.

Then this thought came to me, "Dicky Bird, your ability to do this isn't what it once was and your sustainablity in being able to continue my stash in this manner is done."  Motivation time...

I closed the pole building door, honestly rather defeated.  Not just with that hoarded mess, but my garden, flower beds and barn yarn - all I could see were epic fails.  Yes, I do have some veggies to enjoy, I just ignore the weeds.   So, as I was picking in the weeds, I looked at these.  Oh, the glorious sunflowers.  It made me smile.  Those sunflowers, the ones the deer chewed on, bloomed anyway.  

These sunflowers are the inspiration for this post.  Yes, these sunflowers that were chewed on by the deer and their ability to still bloom.   The key to finding a motivation, needs to be stronger than any demotivating feeling.  So this morning, I am going to focus on one small area.  Pull out what I don't want, restack the things I want to sell, repurpose or keep in a row.  I have other plans, but dare not say them out loud as I've had a diet of those words all summer.  Who am I kidding...those words have been a diet for years.  

I know I have to adjust and maybe justify a bit my ability to now measure my age, bodily capabilities and stage of life.  My body has been good to me for 54 years, she deserves to move slower, she's earned it.   As far as my sustainability to continue hoarding another's hoard, can't happen!!  Dicky Bird, you deserve better!

So, when you are feeling like your ability and sustainablity are in peril, I hope you think on this little post.  Your sustainability in being you, a happier you, is what is most important.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Yes owning your own business can be taxing at times, but the rewards are so worth it! Great post and sunflowers are my happy flower! Janice

  2. Those are some of the most beautiful sunflowers I've seen my friend.... And, yeah....I know that wasn't the point of this post. I so can relate to what you are saying....I feel that when trying to tackle my own "hoard"....and I know that having "acquired" entire estates, you have a much more overwhelming challenge than I do. I am working on the "acquiring" issue, and hope to address the "destashing" issue sooner rather than later. Hope you are savoring this amazing stretch of weather we are enjoying.... ~Robin~

  3. I love these posts! I really need to make it a priority to read. Sometimes they feel like you're just talking directly to me. I just hit 50 (groan) and I'm also trying to destash and finding it a bit challenging. Posts like this definitely help and make me feel like much less of a failure.

    Thanks Jacky!
