
Monday, July 6, 2020

Motivational Monday - Realism

Disclaimer, this post may not be for all.  If your core believes are not found in scripture, then you may not want to read this one.  Thanks for checking in and maybe the next post will be one of interest to you.  

Realism is:  the quality or fact of presenting a person, thing or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life.  

At our Thursday night Bible study, our pastor said something that I want to make a Motivational Monday post about.  He asked the question, are you a pessimist or an optimist?  As he went on with the study, he talked about being a realist.  That right there was where this motivational post comes from.

It had my thinking, is your "realism in the WORLD" or is your "realism in the WORD?"  

Another piece of "fake news" spoon fed us as children is this one:  "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me."  Names will never harm me?  Names ALWAYS harm us.  What people say of us is more powerful than what we say about ourselves.  If this is not true of you, read no don't need motivating.  Good for you!  

For me, many issues of my self-worth, unfortunately have roots in the world.  The media, celebrities, trends and seemingly never ending barrage of "what a woman should, (fill in the blank).   It was easier to think of the ways in which I failed in comparision to all that.  In fact, starting in June, I've done waaaayyyy less looking at others on social media and I'm much happier!

I actually have problems with "compare" or so my therapist told me.  It ruffled my feathers, so I asked her..."you don't stuggle with this?" (blank stare...more feathers ruffled...) then I added, "well, I think most women do."  To which she says, "but they don't have to."  Honestly, just typing this still ruffles my feathers - that's why I know it's a area of my life I need to work on.  I guess I should make another appointment.  Anyway, I've asked other women, given examples, "hey, if this happened would you feel this way or that way?"  All I will say is that I'm not alone!  

The "world" has one view of the perfect (yet again, fill in the blank) and guess what?  God has another.  As I have been thinking on this post, that right there "God has another" why, oh why, Dicky Bird do you not think to look in His WORD first.   Shame on you.  Get your realism out of the world and into the word.  

So, this Motivational Monday, I challenge you to dig into His Word and find your realism there.  Do a search on "what does scriptrue say you are?"  I could list scripture after scripture on most any area where I feel weak or inadequate.  Doing just that these past few days, really has made me feel so much better about me, what is expected of me, and it's making me want to be a better version of me.  Dicky Bird 54.0....I've revised myself so many times to fit what I thought I should be or this version Dicky Bird 54.0....working on my Realism in the Word.  


Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Certainly lots to think about, a very thought provoking post.

  2. Another great inspirational post Jacky. Love it! Janice

  3. You know some of your very best posts are those that you warn some to walk away if they think it might not be their cup of tea....I venture to guess that there is a morsel of something for everyone in matter what they may think initially...or you. I agree with everything...and I am a 100% with you on the "comparison" issues. It's always been that way for me it seems, although I am finally getting more to the point where I truly don't care how I measure up to others. Those who bother to really and truly know me, will know my heart I hope. I love the "You Say God Says" chart at the end especially well. <3 ~Robin~
