
Monday, June 8, 2020

Motivational Monday - MIA

I haven't been inspired to write an actual Motivational Monday post for several weeks.  Not that what I say can "motivate," only you can do that for yourself.  I could point out many unfinished things in my life to show you why "Motivational Speaker" should NOT be in my resume'.  

In my mind, I guess I write these posts to give myself a little "pep talk" and "food for thought."  As a blogger, I would hope, if a reader came upon one of my posts, it would leave them with the same.  

 So with that said, I'm going to say something that may explain the why behind my "Motivational Monday - MIA."  The world is all too sad right now! 

In search of finding a way to show support to my family of color, I "dug" deeper into the roots of the "Black Lives Matter" movement.  I understand that police brutality against people of color, is what motivated this movement.  The truth of the matter is, being a person of color in America isn't like being a white person.  Without getting into my conspiracy therories, this is a card right out of the old elitists playbook!  It is dividing us!  Keep in mind, good things often start out good and can be corrupted and fueled with hate.   That I don't stand for! 

I am a Christian.  My biblical world view has been shaken to it's core over the past several weeks.  I try to look at things in light of scripture because that is the only truth that will stand.  I believe that my savior, Jesus, died for all lives and the saying "All Lives Matter" is true.  While I believe that, I understand the reason why "Black Lives Matter" is valid. 

I hope this leave you with "food for thought."

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Oh Jacky, my friend.... There is so much food for least for those of us who are open to listening to and considering viewpoints other than their own (which, in many cases, are spoonfed to them). I am, and always have been, very racially tolerant...if that's the right way to phrase it... Several of my closest friends through college were black. But I also understand that not everyone is as tolerant...and that there is, indeed, racism out there. But I also believe there will ALWAYS be some form of racism out there because there will always be some bad apples out there. And while I agree that "black lives matter," I am NOT supportive of the BLM movement. If people truly understood the premises of this group...and some of its "goals," it would shake them to the core....(e.g., "destroy the nuclear family"). And to be called racist for saying "all lives matters" just makes me shake my head...and pray real hard. You are so right, good and noble causes can be hijacked and corrupted...and I fear that there is, indeed, a conspiracy to divide us. The murder of George Floyd was horrific...and I would venture to say almost every person with a beating heart agreed that it was wrong ...we were "united" in that...but instead of letting that unit bring positive change, we allow a fringe of voices to speak the loudest, even though they represent the smallest number of people. didn't ask for my political stance LOL...but I trust that you are one of those who, even if you don't "agree" with me, will listen...and think about things. Keep will I. It is needed now more than ever. ~Robin~

  2. All I can say is why cannot we all get along. So sad. Janice
