
Friday, June 19, 2020

Farm House Friday - Week 3 VIRTUAL Sale

What was going on at the farm house?  Well, I'm still working on the story of Evelyn & William and the VIRTUAL pop up sales.  This is the final one for June.  It has been rewarding and fun.

This week I had some chicks hatch and mama hens fighting over them.  In the evening one will be with them and in the morning another.  Today, however, they both did gang up on me and jump in my face, geez, I was only trying to help

Weeding and replanting (chickens!) in my garden.  The chickens have been so destructive this year.  I hardly have a potted plant left.  They dug and tore up almost everything.  I do not know the fascination with this one planter I have, but they line up to hop in and scratch around like a ride at the amusement park.  Unreal!!  This was supposed to be my "garden" year...nope.

So, this week the virtual sale will be "Farmer's Wife."  Here is the sneak peek of the vignettes.

I will only be listing under the event.  If you want to follow along here is the link:  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Looks brilliant, I say it every week but it is such a shame you are so far away.

  2. You had some great offerings once again my friend. Sorry to have missed out. When I go "north" I lose track of days and time. It's a blessing and curse all in one. Looks like things went smashingly. ~Robin~

  3. Hope sales were good. You had some really nice items. Janice
