
Monday, May 4, 2020

Motivational Monday - Smaller Slices Gets It Done Too

I, along with many of you, I'm sure, haven't been too motivated in all of "this."  However, I had a spark return over the weekend.  

What inspired this post, was my working in the yard and garden.  I sent a friend a message something like this, "I am having to take so many breaks, what use to take me an hour to do in my 30's is taking all day!"  While I was digging up some sod/grass in one of my raised beds that I am cleaning out, I was reminded of my mother.  

When I was in my 20's and 30's my mom, Lisa and I had plant sales at her house.   One time I remember, I was digging up huge slices/chunks of plants.  She was filling the wheel barrow and then I would run them to the side of the road where we had perrenials for sale in cute antique containers.  I would come back and she only had a small shovel full.  I remember saying "mom, why can't you dig that up?"  My mom was always the strongest person I knew.  She could "out work" anyone.  She said "Dicky Bird, I just can't do that any more...just wait till you're older, things get harder to do."   (I didn't believe it.)

Well, yesterday, as I was using a shovel to dig in my garden, I remembered "just wait till you're older..."  I also thought about how she would do it...."smaller slices gets it done too."  So, I just so happy to be digging...I know silly...but, thinking on lessons on aging my mom taught me.  

Yes, smaller slices gets it done too!  In gardening, in life and in this pandemic.  Smaller slices of getting back to our (fill in the blank).  I had been rather overwhelmed when I found out Wisconsin would be shut down until 5/26!  I just couldn't...(fill in the blank)....a gamut of emotions.  I think I may have handled this Covid 19 in a manic/depressive manner.  I went from baking, cooking, sorting like a crazy woman to "where did this week go?" (It may have been 2 weeks)  I needed that little spark this weekend.  So, on to getting the smaller slices done...I can do that!   I hope this post motivates you to look at whatever it is that seems challenging and remember "smaller slices gets it done too."

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. They do indeed my Mum says 'little steps. take one step at a time'. Hope all is well with you. Take care and stay safe.

  2. Yes we all do things at a much slower pace now that we are older. I know that. Michigan is supposed tore open May 15th, but I have a feeling our governor will move it to the end of the month. Janice

  3. Thanks for this post. I really needed it right now. We are locked down until mid-month but I'm pretty sure that will be extended...again. I haven't been motivated at all and feel quite angry with myself for not getting anything done.
