
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tips On Tuesday - Self Quarantine

Oh how plans last post was one of hopeful productivity and the forecast of a beautiful March spring like weekend.   Nope, sadly!  Friday around 9 pm - until pretty much this morning at 4 am...I slept....fever, chills, body aches, stomach pains - it has run the gamut of what embodies the flu.  So, in my last post, I mentioned this was going to be one of my busiest weeks all Spring....well....check on that later...

I often, no change that, I almost always MAKE myself do things out of an obligation to complete or please.  It's true.  However, in my PROGRESSION this year, I am going to try not to do this.  So, I knew I shouldn't be around people; that started Saturday morning.  It was a cycle of anxiety, "should I or shouldn't I" I swear I can drive myself crazy!  

My tip, and there really is only 1, this Tuesday - Self Quarantine.  Not to jump on the Covid-19 bandwagon...but, really....people should do this without the threat of a pandemic!  NO one wants to get sick, even the common cold!

Just say "so sorry, I can't" work, teach, consult - all the things on my calendar this week.  "Sorry, it's best I not be around people."  That's it!  Everyone I told this to, agreed..."please stay home, get better."  Like I said, no one wants to be in contact with sick people.  Being self-employed, there won't be a stimulus package for my not being able to "work" this week.  Thankfully, I was able to reschedule the UWSP class.  I may still be able to teach tomorrow evening, time will tell.

So, stay home, rest, recover...self quarantine....people will appreciate it.   

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I hope you feel better soon! I hope it's not too serious! The flu can be horrible, knocked me off my feet for weeks.

    It is a good idea to stay home when you're sick, but sadly a lot of people can't afford to do that. I wish they could. I wish more companies offered sick time so people wouldn't feel obligated to go to work and affect others! When I worked at a store there were lots of people (workers and customers) coming in sick - a lot of times picking up their medicines from the pharmacy! I got sick many times while I was working there. On the work side if you were out more than a couple of days they wanted a sick note too and if people didn't have insurance they didn't go to the doctor to get one, just came in to work sick.

  2. Good for you for being smart. The flu ran its course in my home last month. Whew! Hadn't had that in about 15 years. So many people won't stay home when they are sick and that is what needs to happen.

  3. Hope you are feeling better. At my job we are told now to work from home if you are sick. Janice

  4. Happy Sunday my friend.... Sure hope you're feeling better by now. Yes, it would be good if more people had the sense to do self-quarantine....I know people like me with compromised immune systems would appreciate it LOL. But, it truly can be difficult....for many of the reasons Sharon said, but also for some of who were raised in a generation where going to work "no matter what" was considered part of a strong work ethic. But I have come to learn that no one is indispensible...and the world will go on. ~Robin~
