
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tips On Tuesday - Desk Drawer

Tips on Tuesday was inspired by things I found in my desk drawer....mine is actually a plastic tub, but I would love to have it all fit in a desk drawer...LOL...I'm working on it!

I would encourage you to find joy and inspiration in simple things.  Even in these items I came up with some tips to remind us that we write our own story.  I believe God is my publisher, however, he does give me the freedom to write and I will use it to His glory.

1.  Pencil:  remind you that you write your own story
2.  Eraser:  remind you that it's o.k to make mistakes
3.  Crayon:  remind you that each day is a piece of art
4.  Scissors:  remind you to cut out negativity
5.  Ruler:  remind you not to measure yourself with others

"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my toungue is a pen of a skillful writer."  Ps. 45:1.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.