
Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 - Progression

That's it, my word for 2020 - Progression:

"The process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state" 

"A succession; a series"

That was my plan for 2020 - to build off of 2019's word "Reclaim."  

You may think picking a word of the year is silly.  However, for me, I think on it all year..."how does this (experience, etc.) apply to my word?"  It gives me a bit of direction.  

In my 2019 search to Reclaim, I started to think about what makes Dicky Bird "tick" - why I feel the way I do about stuff.  I've faced some truths about me, soul searched, prayed, talked, shared and now I'm ready to move on in my "Progression" and seek a counselor.  Maybe, she can give me tips on how to work out some of my deeper feelings.  I at least now know what it is I think triggers some of my emotions.  That never would have happened without my work on Reclaiming me in 2019.

I've made strides to Reclaim some of my "spaces" too, it's a give and take with that one, but I have a path to Progression on those too.  I've sold a lot, donated a ton, recycled, burned and did 52 "give aways" on my business facebook page. 

In an attempt to Reclaim some of my "time,"  I also narrowed down my selling spaces, closing some of my booths.   That now leaves me with a path to Progression on the way I will sell.  

I don't even know how this word came to me.  I do know I wrote it on the last page of my appointment book months ago.  It was my final reminder to Reclaim my Progression to a happier, healthier me.

Happy New Year!
Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Happy New Year Jacky! That's a great word. I think mine for the year is Focus. I seem to be all over the place lately - especially since pre-menopause began - and I can't seem to choose a direction or stick to anything. As I'm an amateur photographer too and I feel like I need to choose a direction there too I'm hoping that reminding myself to Focus will help in all areas. See? Even this comment is all over the place lol

  2. I was just wondering what your word of the year would be this time. Love it. Makes so much sense after your Relaim year. Happy New Year my friend! Janice

  3. Enjoy the progress this year. I think having a word or phrase helps us focus on what we want to improve in ourselves. My mantra for this year will be, "Go Forth. Do Good."
    Congrats on putting yourself on the list! As women, we sometimes forget to do that. ;0D
