
Monday, November 25, 2019

Motivational Monday - Dreams May Be Telling You Something

If you have followed along for know, I'm a dreamer.  In more ways than one!  

You know, studies do show that we work out some of our "issues" in our dreams.  I also, believe that while in this semi-conscious state, we are receptive to supernatural interactions - read into this what you will - I'm a spiritual person and I've had comfort come to me from loved ones through my dreams.  I'm not going to get into a debate about it...but, as a Christian and being filled with His spirit, I have a "comforter." He is our "comforter" and what better way to comfort me than with wonderful dreams only He could give.  That's all I'll say on this.

So, last night, I woke from a dream thinking about this blog post.  In my dream, Al and I were on some kind of an adventure where we had to drive and ride bikes up windy, twisty and steep hills.  Al wanted to take a different way than everyone else, it was a much harder way to go, I didn't want to, but did.  As we drove up and over, around and through, we hit the top.  As we looked back, there were cars lined up for miles.  Al says to me "aren't you glad we took that way up?"  I was and we started out riding bikes the rest of the way to a very beautiful path.  I said, "what about Dolly and Minnie (she has passed on)?  How are they going to know where we are?  So, I called out to them...all different dogs from my past, not all mine, were running across the grassy was a nice dream.  I woke up thinking about it's meaning.  

As I always do, I asked Al first, "did you dream about anything last night?"  Mostly, he doesn't have many dreams (or that he shares...and then I can share mine, which I always have).  He said yes, "you were in a car ahead of me and hit a pylon on the embankment and slid off a road."  He said, I was thinking "what the did she do that!" (or something similar).  "Then my car slid off the embankment and I hit your car."  I quickly said...."Al!! that is what is happening to us right now!"  "We are driving off the road (health, age, life in general)!  And then I shared my dream.  

I say all of this to let you know, stress in life is awful!  I've not stopped "working" for months!  For real!  You know, being self-employed, it's hard to get away from your job.  I tend to take on too much and then procrastinate and then, next thing you know, I'm sliding down an embankment and taking Al with me....LOL!

This really isn't funny, but I woke from a dream and he shared his and I'm putting the puzzle pieces together....kinda thing....for my own Motivation.   Al has a plan for our next steps, my next business steps...even though I'm not sure how or motivated to do it.  I think this dream is my sign to just follow what he thinks this time...(wink, wink).  

So, take note of your dreams.  Figure out the what or why behind them - there is one - I'm sure.  Look at that as a sign to motivate you to make some changes.  I've been thinking about my 2019 word of the year "reclaim" - was it a "nail or fail" kinda thing.  I still have a month or so to still work on it.  I already have an idea of my 2020 word and it's a good one.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Great post about your dreams! I was always told that if you have a bad dream you need to eat something before telling someone else, or it might come true. I am so superstitious about it, that I always eat before telling any of my dreams. Keep us posted on your next step. Janice
