
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sunday Reflections

As I sit here this morning, sipping my coffee, writing this post, I'm reflecting.   Yesterday, I was a vendor at District 3 Antiques - Nueske's (applewood smoked meats) Retail Shop in Wittenberg, WI.  I had a very uplifting, encouraging day!

Truth time, I've not liked 2019 thus far.  The past 8 months of resale, shows, our estate sales, buy outs, market trends, my gimply, old self and the social media hype, I've been rather disappointed in most of it!  

I remember years ago, watching some of the older vendors set up, their staging, styles, bad, Lisa and I, were the "young" ones.  We always staged our booths and truthfully, were at that time, one of the only booths like that.   Our booth never had the old "antique show" look...ours, looked like how you would decorate your home and we even snuck in a few hand mades (at that time, that was a NO/NO).  Setting up this way, was part of the creativity, we love that.  

Anyway, I promised myself way back then, that when we became the "old ones"  I wouldn't say or do anything to hurt the next group of "young" ones.  Because, truthfully, over the years, we've heard some doosies!  So, I've been trying not to do unto others what was done to me (us).  Thinking it....well, I'm not doing my best at that one.  I will only say this....just because there wasn't facebook or instagram back then to document EVERY SINGLE thing....doesn't mean it didn't happen.   (stepping down from the soap box now). new phrase...."must be menopause."  (wink, wink)

Lisa and I were just saying..."we don't know what anyone wants to buy any more!"  Lack of understanding the current market trends is very defeating.  To top that off....people are buying more place....groups....that takes the creativity and personality out of the whole thing.  So, that leads me to this.....

Sunday Reflections on, appreciation, friendship, acknowledgment, validation, creativity, was just like the "good ol' days."  I orginally, was supposed to be in South Dakota on vacation, but something came up and that left me available to set up in my own back yard so to speak.  It was just what the Lord knew I needed.  I won't say all of the "things" that happened, but I can say, it has inspired me to kick it up for the remainder of the year.  I will take my own advice, "put on my blinders, keep doing what I do best, let the rest do their best and just mind my own row."  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Happy Sunday my friend.... You have beeen in my thoughts a great deal of late...not sure why, but there must be a reason...and when I (finally) pulled up my blog reading list, here was your new post at the very top. Anyways...yes, Girl...keep doing what you do best...cuz no one does you better than you. It is a strange world. these days...trends, styles, motivations, etc. I find myself puzzled and bewildered half the time (ok, truthfully lots more than half the time)....I keep denying it is that “growing old” thing, but dang if I can come up with another explanation. Looks like you had an idyllic backdrop for your impromptu show...and amazingly it was dry for a few hours?? (Ok, not “dry”...but nothing falling out of the sky). It feels like forever that I have made it to a show or anything of the sort. Crossing my fingers that I make it to Ringle Harvest Day..... ~Robin~

  2. We are struggling what to purchase for our own antique store. OUr new store is going grand, but trends are sure changing and I feel like the old folks too. Great post as always! Janice
