
Monday, August 26, 2019

Motivational Monday - Walking in Faith

It is my hope, that this Motivational Monday Post, will give you some food for thought.  

Gardeners believe that their seeds will grow into plants.  
Baker's believe that yeast will make their bread rise.
We believe that flipping a switch will turn a light on or off.

We know these things to be true, because we've tested them.  

Same can be said of FAITH.  I'm going to use the word faith as a verb: the complete trust in something or someone; for this post.  

As children we had faith that our needs would be supplied by our parents.  As youth we had faith to know if we studied for a test we would get a good grade.  As adults we have faith that our employer will pay us for our work.  We don't need to worry about it, because we have an understanding of the experience - because we've tested them.  

"Oh, have faith in the process,"  or "have faith, it will all be o.k."  Truthfully, when you are the one in the situation, those types of phrases are just empty words.  You might think, "how can I walk in faith when I'm afraid this or that is going to happen?"   

As babies, we didn't start out running, we crawled first.  Walking in faith is just like that.   Taking each lesson, experience, trial or triumph and keep it in our hearts and minds.  So, that when the next thing comes up, we can think back and have faith that we can do this or that too.  

You might say, "well, I had faith and it didn't end up the way I wanted it to."  That's not faith, sorry that's being a baby.  Faith isn't what you want, it's the lesson, experience you gained in whatever "test" life threw your way.  

Now, walking in faith is this:  my opinion was asked about something this past week and I told this person, "all you need do today, is put one foot in front of the other and keep walking one step at a time in the right direction, God will handle the rest."  "Dont' worry about the end result yet, you're not there yet."  "Worring about it isn't going to help."   Now....people, I couldn't have said....and believed it....if I hadn't been tested....and trust me I have been.  

Worrying doesn't help.  I know, I fight my anxiety.  The older I am, the more at peace my walking in faith has become.  I wake each day, taking one step at a time, in the right direction....stumble or fall I may....that's O.K....I just brush myself off and keep taking my steps.  Walking in Faith, you betcha!  One step at a time.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin      

1 comment:

  1. Step by day at a time. Faith is also believing in things not least that is what I believe. Great post as always Jackie. You make me think! Janice
