
Monday, March 4, 2019

Motivational Monday - Just Do It Anyway

Good Monday morning....well, it might be later by the time I get this posted.  

I have been listening to several pod casts lately.  Women entrepreneurs, women of faith, Chicken Soup for the (fill in the blank) and other uplifting types.  I can do this while I "work" and feel good about learning something too (wink, wink).  

There was one that I can't stop thinking about.  It made me sad and left me feeling like a failure.  Normally, her pod casts aren't this way!  However, she is interviewing, rather selling her "Master Minds" one-on-one for a year of mentoring.  After I thought about it, who wouldn't want to "buy into" the self negativity after listening...after all, she was trying to sell.  I hate to think it, but I believe that was the motive.  

She said that if you aren't making 6 or 7 digits a year in whatever it is you are doing in today's Internet age, you are failing.  I was thinking 6 or 7 digits...including the decimal point?  I know professionals, like lawyers, doctors, dentists with acronyms behind their names that don't make that.   She even said, "if you're not, then you are not an entrepreneur your a wantapreneur."  Really?! HOW RUDE!  (Stephanie Tanner, Full House).

I asked a few friends, some in my business others not, what they thought about this.  I had mixed answers.  So, I started crunchin' some numbers, figuring in some costs, thinking about what others do......NOPE, forget it, it was all just depressing me even more.  Hey, if you are listening to a podcast that makes you this sad - stop listening!  She did however, make me think about this, my Motivational Monday - Just Do It Anyway post.

Yes, whatever it is you enjoy doing, even if you are not an entrepreneur, if you find it rewarding, just keep doing it.  Don't measure yourself by other's success or failures.  Keep plugging away at "it" and find joy in the process....that's true success!   

Maybe your journey is weight loss.  Losing 50 pounds won't happen over night.  It's small changes that bring about permanent loss.  Journal, drink water, quit eating something 1 time a week and then 2 times and exercise.  I am preachin' to myself here!  

Maybe your journey is to be a stay at home mom.  You may think, how can I do it?  Don't jump in and quit your job cold turkey, prepare by saving.  Ask your boss to let you cut your hours, go part-time, work with your schedule - you will never know, if you don't ask.  I did that and was able to be full time at home within 1 year and trained my replacement.  It was a win/win.  

Maybe your journey is to buy land and homestead.  Educate yourself, find a mentor, volunteer or intern at a farm.  Talk to an older farmer ready to retire, you just don't know what one is thinking, until you enlighten them with the idea of a land contract, rent to own type thing.  

Whatever journey you are on, don't  listen to the naysayer's definition of success.  You define your own success.  Not every path leads to 6 or 7 digits to happiness or greatness.  I find peace in what I do!  I keep recreating myself and developing new ideas for my creativity.  Lately, I don't feel too successful, but, I keep doing "it" anyway!  You should too!  Good luck!

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. We all must press on, no matter our goals or downfalls. Also, that 6 digit number is crazy!

  2. Such a good post! 6 or 7 figures? Wow, most of the people I know would be failures. It doesn't sound like a very uplifting podcast. There are some goals I want to reach, but I can't imagine that kind of income being one of them. Money does not make you happy. Not saying it's nice to not have any, but money isn't the end all.

  3. Rule number 1 for me. Never let negative people in my life. Rule number 2. Revert back to rule number 1. Money does not make you any more happier...and most people whi do make 6 0r 7 digit figures are work-aholics with no life. Janice

  4. Well said. A great encouragement to us all.

  5. So interesting, isn't it, that the world's idea of success is money, pleasure, and power. But those things never bring peace, and often bring more feelings of competition or fear of losing it once you have it. In the Gospels Jesus teaches us a whole different focus for our lives. Those struggling to avoid 'failure' by making huge incomes will probably continue a lifetime of struggle. Life is too short for that. Good post, Jacky.

  6. Success, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. And, yes, your are so right....we define our own success. Being an attorney (and a corporate attorney at one of the most prestigious firms in the area at that), there was always that nagging “podcast” going on and the temptation to compare and, unfortunately, feel inadequatae. But no amount of money is worth “prostituting” yourself, and some of the richest people I know are the poorest in character and spirit. Stay warm and successful my friend..... Robin

  7. this is so interesting...and really well written. as i read, i kept thinking - what is the real definition of success, i think it is different for all of us!

    my husband is an entrepreneur, a self made man. i am the woman who stands beside him and supports him. it is not my dream to have a lot of money and be successful, it is his because he grew up poor. he had nothing as a young man and vowed his adult life would be different...

    so i know the story was really about women, but this is my story about success. i am not "into" podcasts, i only listen to 2, one is super fun and one is about living with a chronic illness!!

    success = being happy!!!
