
Monday, November 26, 2018

Motivation Monday - Making Lists

Did you see this one?

Do you make lists?  I suppose some of you that are savvy, put it on your phone.  I like the feeling of crossing stuff off.  Do you?

I like writing out lists, it helps organize my thoughts.  I am an artistic person and therefore prefer visual reminders.  I have been doing this for years.  I'm just OCD enough to hold on to a page until the very last thing is crossed off.  Or, I rewrite an "icky task list."  Yes, I hold myself accountable to might take months....but, I have it.  That list has changed with time too, the "reupholster Justine's chair" now has new's still on the list tho.  (wink, wink).  

Just wondering, for those of you who make lists, do you tackle the worst first or the easiest?   We all know I lean to the procrastination side, so....there's that.  I'm currently trying to cross off as many of the tasks on that "icky list" as I can before 2019.   To use my 2018 word of the year...."I will STRIVE to complete it."

At times when I need to keep me on a schedule (self employed motivation ....) I will create a time frame:  8-9 am - clean the kitchen, 9-10 am - etc... and I even set the alarm on my phone for the worst tasks.  "Set an alarm for an hour from now" - ask Shannon, who works with me....I may or may not have said...."it's not an hour yet! Come on!"  However, when I see just how much I/we did in an hour - it motivates me to set the next alarm....after I cross off that task and take a break for a cup of tea of course!

So today, as I write this Motivational Monday post, I am mostly trying to motivate myself to get going!  I have several "monkeys on my back" that I want to shake off this week.  Those monkeys can really drag you down.  It's not that I don't have a plan to do them, or that I want to do them, I do.  These monkeys usually are self inflicted, a problem of over committing myself.  Some are personal, however most are professional.  I do try.... 

As I drink my cup of coffee, notebook in front and pen in hand I will create my "to do list for the week."  I already wrote the "monkeys" at the top of the page....LOL....I will look forward to crossing those off and STRIVE to complete them!

What kind of lists do you write?  What are your tips for completing the "icky tasks?"  Do you have any "monkeys on your back?"  I would really like to know.   Good luck! 

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I write a list, I try to do the least favourite first so that I am rewarded with something I like.

  2. I try. That's all I can say. As a general rule I'm not a list maker, but when I do I find that I stay on task better. Otherwise I find myself getting distracted by something else! I do like seeing things in writing and crossing them off. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. The sign at the beginning of the post is totally me ;)

  3. Lets list, expense list, christmas list, suitcase list...just to name a few. Yes I am one too jot and draw things down. I have a list for every blog post through January right now...with more lists to write. Its a habit I have acquired for a long time now. Janice

    1. ...good idea for the list of blog posts...I get an idea and then think I'll remember to blog about it but forget....thanks!
