
Friday, September 21, 2018

Around the Farm Table's Garlic Fest

Our Wisconsin PBS has a show I absolutely love called Around the Farm Table.   The host is adorable, she adds a quirkiness to each episode that features her family, friends and neighbors and focuses on Wisconsin produce and artisans.   Her series was picked up nationally, so coming soon to a PBS channel near you too!  Congratulations Inga al...America is going to love you!

She is a FarmHER with a small herd of Jersey cows.   Her farm, St. Isidore's Mead, is adding a creamery and will be producing some specialized cheeses soon.  I can't wait.

In her own words, "I needed to diversify my farm, so I decided to plant garlic."  I love garlic!  The event, Garlic Fest, was held this past weekend at her farm.  Link here:  and

Here we are with Inga.  

Garlic was for sale in addition to green garlic seed for planting.  I bought both.  I need to weed out an area for the garlic, which you plant in the fall.  

After a tour of her farm and a visit in the barn, we were ready for the cooking presentation.  Her mom was helping her.  

The recipe was for Swiss Chard Tart.  It was delicious!

After the presentation, her mom took us on the "set" - the kitchen in the house.  She shared stories of how show episodes are chosen, the research put into each and the behind the scenes out takes.  

We (Al, Justine, Josh & I) really enjoyed ourselves.  Al was over by her garden taking a picture of a leaf - he has an app he likes to play with...LOL...I told him it was a tomito, but he insisted.  Inga came over and said something so sweet, as she started to make an apology....I stopped her and said "this is why we love you, we have weeds too!"  Oh we laughed and she said..."I'm not a Martha Stewart, I don't have a staff that stages all this for me." I like Martha too, but her hoity, toity..ness...I could live without!  Inga's willingness to be "real" is what makes her fun to watch!  

I made a garlic fried noodle dish for supper.  Her garlic had firm bulbs with juicy, fragrant cloves!  So fresh!  

If you would like to meet Inga too, she will make an appearance at the Ringle Harvest Day: that is a community wide event.  She will be in the Ringle town hall at 1 pm.  It is a FREE event, all we ask is that you bring a non perishable food item for our local pantry or the humane society.  Thanks!

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I love garlic. Use to grow it at my other home. No room here. That cow is adorable too! I remember having calves on the farms. Cannot wait to see Inga on tv. Janice

    1. You will love her. I love garlic too, I add it to so many dishes. We had a kiss of frost here this morning....fall is here. Have a nice weekend.

  2. Thank you for taking us along with you on this amazing tour, it was a real delight.

    1. Thanks for following along and I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you see Around the Farm Table on your PBS channel, make sure to watch it.

  3. So interesting! It sounds like a great show. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for taking us on a tour around the farm.
