
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Delivery Service

What is a delivery service?  (thanks Google):  Most consumer goods are delivered from a point of production (factory or farm) through one or more points of storage (warehouses) to a point of sale (retail store), where the consumer buys the good and is responsible for its transportation to point of consumption.

For the past several months, nay I say maybe longer (wink, wink), I've been the delivery service.  I've picked and purchased items, drove to my "warehouse (s)" and some....may have reached the retail store.  However, some has not!  

Last summer, when I sold at my friend's antique mall, we did "Wacky Wednesday" sales in her parking lot.  What I didn't sell, I donated on my way home.  I cleaned out a portion of my "warehouse."  I have to think of something like that to do again this year.  

You know, I've set up and set up at, a few little markets recently.  I've noticed that the market is down.   Maybe it's summer, too many weddings, vacations, graduation parties, maybe it's too hot and maybe, just maybe it's flooded.   It's rummage season here.   Living in the "Frozen Tundra" we don't do that all year like other areas.  When it's rummage time - we rummage!

My husband, Al said, "You know, just put it back and keep it until people are willing to buy it.  You have some awesome items, don't give it away now!"  That's kind of a big deal, because he is usually the one pushing me to get rid of it.  He did move some of my "inventory" from his building to the outside of's can get wet.  

I've also noticed something else, I have been getting a lot of calls for buy outs.  The most recent one, I actually had to say no to, as I don't have the room.  The one before that, I couldn't afford, so I'm listing it on my Town Hall Trinkets On Line Estate Sale:
I could have "low balled" her, but she needs a new roof.  That is why she is selling some of these treasures and they are super nice things, so I'm trying to help her get the best price.  

Anyway, I started this talking about "Delivery Service" - yes, I get easily sidetracked - but, hey it works in the theme of this post.  Hahaha

I work a lot and it's a lot of work!  Tuesday, I started working at my business as soon as I woke...5:30 am (social media posts, unloading van, loading tables, doing an afternoon/evening estate sale) until I fell asleep...10 pm?  It's been like this for a few weeks and we are doing another estate sale next week.  I'm not complaining - thank the Lord He is providing Lisa and I some sales.  I just wanted to point out that sometimes the delivery doesn't get delivered....the way you want it to.

I don't know exactly how I will unload some of my inventory in my warehouse.  But, I do have a few fun "new" ideas.  I've been told that "there are no new ideas" in this business.  However, I still keep coming up with stuff no else does....LOL...or wants to do.... maybe would be better to say.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

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