
Monday, January 1, 2018

Writing a Blog

I know I've mentioned this in a previous post:  but, where have all the bloggers gone?  

It is with sadness today, that I read of one of my favorite blogs and blog hop hosts, will no longer be...well, she is continuing on Instagram and that where they all went?  I even Googled...where have all the bloggers gone....yes, my suspicions are true - some bloggers are going the way of other social media opportunities that they can "blog" on.  I can see it, as I too manage a few pages, sites and business pages - it's a full time job.  

My Google search had my reading a few articles that rekindled a spark, don't be faint my blogging buds, we who are hanging on just might be on to a trend.

I was talking this evening with an older and old friend (smile) who doesn't do ANY social media.  I was trying to explain what I hope to explain to you in this post.  I said..."you know blogging is like the old manual typewriter"....

....they still work, are dependable, maybe a bit out of date, but reliable in a pinch.   With all the other options to communicate and connect via social media, blogging might not be a first choice.  The one thing that I have noticed since I first posed that question back in March is, that some of us are still here.  Is it because we are old relics like the manual typewriter?  Or, do we see the importance of writing, sharing our content in a medium longer than a few characters and one not bogged down with negativity.  You see, our blog is our blog, we write what we want, share it where we want and are not limited to nor intimidated by what others comment.  Whew, did I just sum that up!  Don't get me wrong, I do use the other sites, they are important for my business.  But, this...this is important for me.  

I still look at the blogs that contain authentic, realistic, optimistic (how many more "ics" can I list) with original content and those are still thriving.  Not all have been consistent, but they are still posting every once in a while.  I will admit, my page views aren't what they were a year ago, but I also took a bit of a break.  It is my hope these wonderful bloggers have too and will return.  

I have been tracking a trend in my posts here and my other social media sites that I am going to STRIVE to build on.  (Notice, I am using my word of the year!) I would like to encourage you, those who remain faithful to continue to share and write - we all need you!  

I am actually looking for other blogs and linky/hops to follow.  If you know of any good ones, please leave me a comment.  With that, I will say, thank you for following along.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.   

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