
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Posts in "Unpublished Blog Heaven"

Do you know how many posts I've written this summer and not published?  Let me tell you - it's dozens...

I guess I have hit a writer's block.  That is the only way I can describe it.  I've written many posts, just to finish, proof and read them - they just weren't good - delete!

I have noticed a trend in the blog world - lack of posts!  

Maybe other's are feeling the same - how many posts about food, crafts, kids can one read?!?  Now, as I've always said "I write this blog for me" - thank goodness I do/did post recipes on here - as I've had to look them up!  It's just that too much is too much!

I follow some "up and coming" junkers.  I see their daily vlog, photos and posts - it's all too much!  How many pics of "pickin" can one see?!?   I know social media is the way - but, wow - it's overwhelming!  I personally think customers are getting tired of it all too.

Anyway, I write all this to explain why I haven't posted.  

Just when I lose my blog incentive - I had several people come up to me at the fair and say..."I love your blog."  I didn't even know some of them read it!  They don't follow it... 

Anyway, it was so nice to hear.  Then, that same week, I received an email from a company that wants me to do a product review for them.  O.K. - blog world what are you telling me?  

Thanks for reading and following along.  More meaningful content on it's way!  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. I hear ya! It has been quiet over the summer...
    Sometimes, life just gets in the way.

  2. My blog has been great!! So thankful for that and I've even sold things this week off my blog.I also use to follow about 8 blogs now I'm done to 2...Why because there dull!!! no easy way to say it...There's really not anything new!!! because there is nothing new! it's all been done! What do I want to see? Events I love to look at what's coming up..Like Theme I love there posts..because I want to see what's out there..Great post thank's Dickybird..Vikki aka hikchik

  3. Forgot some..The Pop Up sales..Love the posts..Looks like I like to shop..Vikki

  4. Thanks Sandra - it has been quiet

    Thanks Vikki -good job with your blog post and viewership
