
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Doors of Dublin

Dublin, Ireland, has gorgeous Georgian buildings.  On our city CIE tour, our guide, Clara Kelly (can you get any more Irish than that?!) told us the history of the buildings as we drove by.  Justine wanted to walk back to these neighborhoods and get some pictures of the doors.  

Thank goodness, Anna has a natural GPS - the "trapping and tracking" Native American gene skipped me.  Usually, Justine gets lost easily too, however I was surprised when she roughly knew where they were.  Anyway, did I mention how much walking we did?  Well, we did!  These neighborhoods were blocks away from where the coach dropped us off and picked us up.  We really took advantage of our "free" time by walking all over each city.  Many in our group stayed close to the coach and went shopping - we went on adventures.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.