
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hodge Podge Wednesday Q & A

1. I read here four creative activities to try this month. They were-calligraphy, make your own cookbook, dance or learn a new type of dance, and letter writing. Which activity on the list appeals to you most? Will you add it to your August

Of those 4, I would say, make your own cookbook.  Actually I have been working on a cookie cook book.

2. Bertrand Russell is quoted as saying, 'To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.' Agree or disagree? Explain. 

I try to be happy with the things I have.  Wanting something that you can not attain is a waste of time.  Wanting something you can earn is good as it gives you something to work for.

3. August 17th is National Thriftshop Day...are you a 'thrifter'? If so, tell us about one of your best or favorite finds. 

I was born into a thrifting family.  I have so many as I am also an antique dealer.  Most of my best thrifting stories come from my estate buyouts, auctions or curb side pick ups.  With that said, the best story is a curb side pick up.  My friend and I found a late 1800's, mustard milk paint, square nail chimney cupboard on the side of the road....we sold it for several hundred dollars at an antique show.  We originally were going to put a far less price on it, but as I carried it in antique dealers were actually following me asking the price.  With each question, the price went higher in my mind.  My friend was in our booth and yelled, to me "how much is the cupboard?  So and so wants to know..."  I said "don't say anything till I get  to you...." Needless to say, it sold to highest offer.

4.  On a scale of 1-10 (with 1= almost none and 10=loads) how would you rate your sense of wanderlust? What kicks your wanderlust into high gear? 

My wanderlust is like an 8.  It would be a 10, but I hate flying.  What kicks it into high gear is when I actually have some extra money so I can "go."  I also enjoy exploring with my daughters.  We are going to Ireland/Scotland in October.  I am looking forward to these adventures with them now that they are adults (and can pay their own

5. Has life felt more like a marathon or sprint so far this month? How so?

Sprint for sure.  I have had a lot going on with my business as in sales, events and buyouts.  I hardly have time to get new inventory into my booths.

6. What do you need to get a jump on before fall officially arrives? 

The "you must clean this out before you leave for Ireland/Scotland" list from my husband...(smile) or I will do it for you....waaaa  I hate that!

7. What's the last thing you did with friends or family where you lost track of time? 

Digging in an old farm house my friend Vikki bought out...she let me "pick" after she did and before she cleaned it out.   Her blog is:

8. Insert your own random thought here. 

We have been watching the Olympics.  How in the world do those gymnasts flip themselves around like that?  


  1. I answered all these questions this morning and then lost it when I tried to post my comment. By then I was too frustrated to try again. But you would have loved my answers (Wink wink)

  2. Fun read Jacky!! I see a little bit of me in you in many of those answers! So jealous of the Ireland/Scotland trip though!!! Take lots of pics...especially of the sheep!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
