
Monday, September 30, 2013

Motivational Monday - "Are You Still Smiling?"

"Are you still smiling?"  My mom asks as I come in at the end of the day - after working for several days - setting up her rummage sale.  I laughed and said "I always smile."  She says "I know, but after dealing with all those people - you are still smiling."  

You know, being happy is a choice.  I know I've posted about this before, however it is TRUE.  You can choose - happy or sad.  

I really "busted my butt" over a 24 hour period.  I basically set up my tents and pulled stuff out of the garage and basement on Friday - the sale was Saturday.  This was on, I knew the longer time my mom had to look at an item, the more she would want to keep it.   We did "pull" it all out, set it up and let her look it over to see if she wanted to keep anything before the sale.   I know this was hard for her - it was on the family as well.  Seeing all of the items we grew up with, played with and have memories of - sell.  I was just happy that by doing this  it let the family have a chance to buy something they wanted - first.  My mom wanted each grand/great grandchild to have one of her cookie cutters for a memory.  That was such a nice addition to the sale.  I loved watching each little one choose.  

(Some of the great grandkids at the sale)

I'm the youngest of 6.  My one sister said to a customer that wanted a price on something - "go ask her - she's the boss here...the youngest sister and the boss."  My other sister said "I am happy YOU did this, as I'm not emotionally strong enough to do it."  My mom thanked me over and over for helping her do the sale.  

I know I'm the youngest, I know I'm bossy and I know I'm strong.   It all goes back to choice.  I guess I would rather choose to be strong - you can you know.  My inner peace and strength come from my faith.   Not just faith - like my religion - the faith that comes from learning to trust in Jesus to help me in EVERY situation.  

Yes, I could have been sad.  There were a few items that pulled at my heart.  You can't keep everything.  I just let it go - it is only stuff.  Now someone else will be able to enjoy it. 

What I was most pleased with was that no one was fighting.  Trust me when I say this - I've bought out and worked with MANY families over the past 20 years - MOST fight over something.  We had none of that.  My immediate family is huge - my brothers and sisters and their children - over 80 of us.  That is a testament to how my mom and dad raised us.  We love and respect each other.  

So, the next time you start to feel sad, mad, bitter or whatever, remember you have a choice.  It is that simple.  Only you can control your emotions!  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.


  1. awww, good for you - good for your whole family.

  2. What a big and wonderful family! Love the pic of the grand kids.

  3. HI Jacky! I'm so glad the event took place without drama! That's a mighty big family! I agree, Joyce, I mean Jacky! It is a choice! Sometimes though with all the hormones raging, it is a very hard choice! Most of the time I can overcome them, thank God! Thanks for sharing! Have a nice day! Blessings from Bama!

  4. So true, dear heart. I must try harder sometimes.. You are so blessed with your wonderful family.. Blessings, my friend..
