
Monday, September 23, 2013

Motivational Monday - 1 Year of Change

October 19th is Evaluate Your Life Day.   Last year, I made a personal challenge - to be better - grow and change.  Read about it here:

So, it has been a year - wow!  I have made reference to this post several times throughout the past year sharing all of my baby steps to change.  So, here is the 1 year reflection and what I feel I have learned about myself.  

My daughters and I joined Weight Watchers at the beginning of this journey.  Becoming more healthy was at the top of the list of things I needed to work on.  I am happy to report, that I have lost almost half of the total weight I need to.  I have been faithful in attending the weekly meetings.  I have changed my relationship with food - I now put a point value on what I eat; "is this worth it?"  Balance is the key to success.   

As most of you know, I am self employed.  This past year, I have placed a priority on building my business.  Becoming more selective and learning to look at the pros and cons of each venture I decide to partake in.  I have learned that not doing something might actually be better than doing it.  That applies to shows, markets and buyouts.  "Will this be worth it - my time vs. profit?"  Learning that I don't have to "do it all" has rewarded me with clarity to pick and choose.  Balance is the key to success.

Facing my anxiety this past year has been the hardest challenge for me.  However, I made myself do it!  Making yourself do things you are afraid of is so empowering!  Jumping up and selling at auction - using the tools I learned at auctioneering school - huge progress for me!  My anxiety stems from what people think of me.  How dumb is that?  Like I can control what people think.  Unfortunately, I say and do stupid stuff without thinking - all the time.  Not mean things, just dumb things.  This still needs work.  However, I haven't said or done some of the things I wanted to.  I am learning to curb my opinions, as most people really don't want to hear them anyway.  Learning to face my fears and curb what I do and say to reflect a better me has been the most challenging part of this year.  Balance is the key to success.

As I reflect on this year, I would be remiss without mentioning this: all of the above issues - the lessons learned, weight loss, curbing my opinions - all of that has built up my faith and in turn helped me grow spiritually.  Getting my physical and emotional issues in check - has directly improved me spiritually.  Praying for guidance, reading and studying His word are vital for growth.  Balance is the key to success.

Do you see the theme here?  Balance is the KEY.  You might be thinking:  "I know, I have heard this all before...ya, ya...balance.  Who has time for that.  I have to do this...then this..then this..."  I'm telling you, from a whole year of reflection and change - find your balance and you will be healthier, happier and benefit from it spiritually. 

I hope this will challenge some of you.  This year has been hard and rewarding.  Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  


  1. Thank you Joyce! Uh...I mean Jacky! It is so easy to get out of balance! I have learned so much from Joyce Myer's teaching on balance! It is pretty much her theme! Thanks for sharing your testimony! It is so encouraging! You have done an excellent job, Jacky! Without the help of the Holy Spirit, I would fail miserably!! Thank goodness He's there to help us when we do! Have a great day! Blessings from Bama!

  2. Great reflections on the year. You also seemed very "focused".
