
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Milwaukee - Sea Gulls - Popeyes Chicken

We helped Jon move back to the dorms in Milwaukee.  It was such a nice day, so we stopped at the beach.  There were silly Sea Gulls on the Lake Michigan shoreline.  

With each visit down to Milwaukee, I find another reason to like it.  I'm not saying I want to live there...Ringle population 1,700 - Milwaukee near 600,000...but, a visit is nice.   

I do love the thrift shops - things are cheaper down there than up here!  Al and I already know some of the "hot" pickin spots.  I also enjoy the food in the ethnic shops, cafes and bakeries.   

We ate at a Popeyes Chicken (we don't have those up here).  Al loves the chicken there (he grew up in Maryland) I only had it one time on a visit out East.  When we placed our order I told the young man how much Al loved the chicken here, that we didn't have them where we lived and we just had to turn around and come back to stop.  When he gave us our order, he winks and said "I might have given you an extra tender or two."  We had excellent, friendly service.  We might not have stopped had we known that Capital Drive was the known area for gang violence and criminal activity.  I'm glad we didn't know - we had a great meal!  Remember, people are people, no matter where you live - it is how we treat each other that matters!

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.


  1. Your seagull pics are nice, I like the 3rd one the best. It looks like he is testing the water with his toes before jumping in.
    Happy to hear that there are still good people out there that are willing to take care of their customers. Also happy to hear that you had a safe trip.

  2. You are SO right about "people are people" ... we have stopped some places we shouldn't have, too, and had a wonderful time.

    Milwaukee is a beautiful city, we were stationed an hour below it for a while, and visited several times. Your pictures were lovely!

  3. Those gulls are so funny. We watched one pick cans out of a paper bag trying to get the food at the bottom. I have never ate at Popeyes. Will have to give it a try sometime.

  4. Love the dainty steps the gulls are taking. Lovely shots from Milwaukee.
