
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July - Interesting Facts

July - 7th month and the hotest of the year in the northern hemisphere.

Birthstone:  Ruby
Flower:  Water Lily

Special Days:

1.  Canada Day
2.  I forgot Day
3.  Disobedience Day
4.  Independence Day
5.  Work a Holics Day
6.  National Fried Chicken Day
7.  National Chocolate Day
8.  Video Games Day
9.  National Sugar Cookie Day
10.  Teddy Bear Picnic Day
11.  Cheer Up The Lonely Day
12.  National Pecan Pie Day
13.  Embrace Your Geekness Day
14.  Pandemonium Day
15.  National Ice Cream Day
16.  Cow Appreciation Day
17.  National Peach Day
18.  National Caviar Day
19.  National Raspberry Cake Day
20.  Ugly Truck Day
21.  Junk Food Day
22.  Parent's Day
23.  National Hot Dog Day
24.  Cousins Day
25.  Treading the Needle Day
26.  All or Nothing Day
27.  Summer Olympics
28.  National Chocolate Milk Day
29.  National Lasagna Day
30.  National Cheese Cake Day
31.  Mutt's Day

"Knee high by the 4th of July" (corn)

"Hot July brings cooling showers, apricots and gilly flowers"  Sara Coleridge

"A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay
 A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon
 A swarm of bees in July is not worth a fly"

Enjoy July!

Blessings from Wisconsin.

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