
Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21 - Memo Day

May 21st - Memo Day

I remember learing the proper way to send a memo.  The to, from, subject, date style.  In school and at work I had to type dozens of memos this way. 

I have worked as a receptionist and have taken down thousands of those pink telephone message/memo sheets.

What about post its.  I still have visions of legal binders coming across my desk plastered with yellow post a notes filled with numerous memos.

Today...we use the "e" messages as our memos.  To be honest with you...I hate the "e" form.  My kids laugh when I don't understand what the symbol or group of letters used for a word or sentence means.  

For me and what I do everyday, I just write it down the old fashioned way....paper and pen.   I have to keep a notebook with my "to do" stuff or I will forget to do something.  I always write stuff down, because I love crossing stuff off.  Once a whole page is crossed off, I put a big loop through the whole thing.  I don't know, makes me feel like I've accomplished something.

Blessings from Wisconsin.


  1. i will sometimes make 'to-do' lists. but most times it's just a grocery list i create. :)

  2. I have taken to the 3x5 index cards. Sturdy little things that hold up well on the counter, pocket or purse. But yes, I am over 50 and need lots of reminders : ) Blessings.

  3. Your pen and paper list is better than my "No List". I should start....I really don't remember well these days.
