
Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Bird Day

So, today is National Bird day.  I've seen some amazing birds this week - an eagle flying really low above the field, a tom turkey in full strut with his tail feathers fanned out for 2 females, a few hawks in tress...but, not camera.  So, today when I left home....I brought my camera....I didn't see any birds.  Isn't that how it goes.  So, I will show a picture I took awhile back. 

This silly woodpecker comes to the feeder every morning around 7:30 a.m.  The other day I heard him? pecking on the transformer box on the electric pole...calling for a mate.  Then I could hear him pecking on the metal sign down by the bridge.  Poor guy, I hope he finds himself a girlfriend...

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.


  1. Seeing the eagle would thrill me.

  2. We have woodpeckers at our feeders every morning, too.. A pair of them, actually.. Lovely photo..
