
Friday, April 27, 2012

A Merry Heart


This is week 2 in this month’s study of the book of Proverbs. 

A “Merry Heart”….”A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance; 15:13; “;but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. 15:15” and the one above. 

This is just my opinion, but being happy is a choice.  You can choose to be happy or choose to be sad.  That is my motherly advice to my kids….they have heard this from me many times….but it is true.  I expect my kids and told them so when they were little….”put a smile of your face and act happy.”  I know, some of you reading this will think I’m terrible.   One thing that I find annoying are “sour pusses.” You know the kids…the ones pouting in the corner…when they don’t get their way.  The nervous mother making excuses…

No one said parenting would be easy, right?  It has been the hardest job I have ever done.  Thankfully, I had a good grandma and mama to reference by their examples.  Yes, they made mistakes – ALL mamas do.  You just need to pray continually for guidance!

Anyway, the merry heart….when I was little, the neighbor lady use to call me “sunshine.”  I guess I was too little to know that was a compliment. 

I know I’ve been blessed – but, life can "deal us a bad hand" at times.  The difference in how we choose to handle it is what God is interested in.  I’m not always able to see the “bright side” of things – but, I’ve learned that – now this is important – I’m not in control of anything. 

The sooner I turn my problem over to Jesus and say “hey, I can’t do this – help me” the easier it becomes.  Oh, I’ve tried the other way, believe me.  My ways are harder than God’s ways. 

So, whatever your day delivers – remember that “a merry heart doeth good like medicine.”  Choose to be happy and feast in God’s blessings.

Blessings from Wisconsin!



  1. {{{SMILE}}} Great post, Dicky Bird!

  2. That is my favorite scripture! I completely agree with you that happiness is a choice. As Christians we all have more than enough reason to be happy. If happiness weren't automatic we'd all always be delirious. Love the kitty ; )
    Hope you'll be back to link up again Tuesday at
