
Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Day Challenge–Hard to Keep


I  saw this challenge on “Little Natural Cottage blog”  10 days without complaining.  As a mother, I don’t like listening to complaining from my kids (or others).  I really have no patience for adults who tend to complain a lot.  So, I thought, this will be easy.

The first day, I had to attend a Jr. Fair Board meeting.  As a committee member, we have to “sift” through the letters that come in and address each and every complaint.   With this challenge fresh in my mind, I was so much more aware of how much people tend to complain.  Granted, there were a few compliments in there too.  It was hard and I must say I probably failed as I complained about the complainers….

The second day, yesterday, was going great.  I managed to dig in and unload some furniture – by myself without hurting myself – from my storage “barns” and loaded them in the truck.  I was just about to leave and go to my booth at a shop in Birnamwood, when my daughter called….”Mom, I locked my keys in the car”   She attends a 2 year college in Wausau – about 20 minutes away – in the opposite direction of Birnamwood.  Yes, I was irritated…but, left for Wausau.  On the way there I had another call about something at my second booth – at an antique store in Wausau – so, I had 2 things unexpected to do.  I must say in attitude I probably failed – I was complaining on the inside.  I was aware of and thinking of this challenge, however. 

So, today day 3…., Anna (17) is home sick…..I hope I don’t fail today!

Blessings from Wisconsin – trying not to complain!


  1. I need to work on my complaining, but, Oooo...the complaining on the inside -- that is the root of the whole thing isn't it.

  2. Hello my dear.. I just had to comment on here.. You are doing very well to even try not to complain but up here in Canada we just say...
    "Are you bragging or complaining?" LOL
    Just say you are bragging.. LOL...

  3. i like that - complaining on the inside. something we all do, i'm afraid.
