
Monday, November 28, 2011

Deer Hunting

This past week was the 9 day deer hunt (gun).  This is a “big deal” up here.  All of the men in my life, while growing up, liked to hunt.   Respectful hunting and use of the meat – not being wasteful - is very important to us.

I do not hunt, however my husband does.  I thought with 2 daughters, he would be hunting by himself.  I was surprised when our daughter, Anna, wanted to go hunting.

Anna is a cancer survivor.  While in treatment and thereafter, we met many wonderful people.  One of which happened to be Bill Schroeder (played for the Green Bay Packers).   Bill Schroeder is an avid outdoorsman.  He is originally from Wisconsin and still lives here.  Well, he was asked by the Outdoor Channel to be in an episode that was a part of the Tony Semple Foundation for Hope.  Tony Semple played for the Detroit Lions.  These men love to hunt so the Outdoor Channel wanted to do an episode featuring this organization’s “Outdoor Adventure” they do.  This outdoor adventure allows kids who have faced life threatening illness and handicaps the opportunity to actually shoot a trophy buck. 

I will never forget the day Anna called me as said “Mom, can I go hunting with Bill Schroeder – I’m gonna be on T.V.”  The being on T.V. part, ya I could see Anna wanting to do that – but the hunting….”are you sure you want to do that…’re gonna have to kill something…”  She said “yes, I want to go..”  

So, several months later, Anna and my husband went on this hunt.  It was actually in northern Wisconsin.  They were there for several days and received instructions and opportunities to shoot a buck.  Anna actually shot a really nice one.  They were able to bring home the meat all cut and wrapped.  The organization also provided a mounting of the deer along with a plaque with the other kids in her “hunt”.   


This is it. 


She has been out hunting every year since…including this year.   According to Al, she is actually good at it.  She has a good “shot”  (military background genes – Al’s side; or maybe my side – Native American genes)


She loves doing this with her Dad…who knew!  Another lesson we learned through Cancer.  This year, no deer – for either of them.  Which, was O.K. as we had both freezers full of other meat. 

Blessings from Wisconsin.



  1. A little girl after my own heart.. I used to go with my Dad as he was not blessed with any boys ... just me and my sister did not like it.. Our son and grandsons are hunters although my husband is not... Must take after me.. grin..

  2. as a Wis kid, my brothers hunted, too. then my brothers-in-law joined in. my sister hunted a few times. not sure if many of my nephews or nieces go, though. glad your daughter enjoys it and is good at it!

  3. What a great state we live in! Seriously, the more I learn about Wisc, the better it gets...awesome football team, great outdoor adventures, mink farming, strategic ship builders during's a total package! lol Glad your family had fun this gun season. My husband got a nice big doe, and the our two little kids are showing an interest (much to Dad's delight).

  4. I love it when girls hunt. I am woman hear me roar!

  5. So wonderful that they have something they love to do together! I grew up in a community where absences were excused during hunting season...and over half the school would actually go!

  6. Wow, I know this post is a while back, but I am just getting around to read it now. Good for Justine, for wanting to hunt, and getting that great opportunity to get that nice buck. It is nice that she gets to do something like this with her dad.
