
Thursday, June 9, 2011

No More Excuses - Week #5

So I stated in a previous post "No More Excuses" about my issues with getting healthy. For me, it isn't about losing weight - although I do need to - but it is about becoming more healthy.

I know my family eats "well", we raise our own meat (beef, sheep, chickens -haven't done pork in awhile), can and preserve my garden goodies and have 2 chest freezers and a full pantry. So it isn't that we don't eat "good." I do however, make bad choices as to how I prepare it... and I HATE to exersize! Its not like I don't, anyone who lives on a small farm, gardens or has animals, knows how to work and therefore, exersize...but, its not the right exersize.

So my update for week #5 - what have I learned:

1. Eat whole foods, in natural form, raw. This helps to get you "moving" :) if you know what I mean... I've been trying to make my diet 50% raw. This has been a challenge, anyone have tips?

2. Drink ALOT of water! I actually had to make myself at first - now I thirst for it...I'm a Wisconsinite and I LOVE milk - I changed to 1% - I just can't do Skim or Soy, that would almost be "sinful" for this Dairy State Girl :). I use to drink like 4 huge glasses of milk a day, now I only allow myself 1 glass and the rest water.

3. Keep busy, if your hands are working then they can't feed you chips. Note: Don't buy chips and fatty snacks, if they aren't here, then you can't eat them. My family doesn't "need" them either...(my husband and girls do not have weight issues, only me...).

4. Write everything you eat down. Some days, I just wrote "BAD DAY."

5. Stay motivated - I've had a few comments from bloggers this really helps. Any ideas on how to stay motivated...other than not being able to do the things you want the way you want. Pray for help.

6. Exersize - start out small. These past 5 weeks, I've mostly worked in the garden and farm type work still. I have pushed myself more. Like counting how many wheel barrow loads of poop I scoop...I have made an effort to walk more by going the "long" way from the compost/manure pile to the garden :)

7. Any tips for me....please leave me a helpful comment.

Blessings from Wisconsin!


  1. Dicky Bird, you are doing an excellent job of taking control over your health! Eating raw, whole foods...Wow! I believe you will soon, if you haven't already, see changes begin to take place in your health. Keep on doing what you're doing, and maybe try stretching, like yoga or pilates. I didn't realize how stiff I became working in the garden until recently. Stretching will increase blood flow and over all well being.

  2. I think that you have it all together my dear. Now, if I could only do all that..
    Oh.. the Keepers of the Home is a group of young married ladies at our church that I teach back to basics to.. It's all about family and keeping Christ in the centre of each home..And learning good old fashioned homemaking


  3. Keep up the hard work! I kept track of everything I ate on for the first 4 months of this year. (It was my new year's resolution). It was interesting seeing where my calories were coming from, and now I know, so I keep a tally in my head. Of course now with the nice weather, I'm out in the garden more, eating fresher foods, moving more.

  4. Good morning,
    I saw your comment on Fay's blog and saw you were from too.
    I'm not sure just where you live but if it's up north then you are far from me...we are 20 miles from the IL line near Lake Geneva.
    Nice to see another Wisconsinite blogging.

