Friday, January 10, 2025

Farmhouse Friday 2025 - Week 2

 Good Morning.

This week was one of doctor appointments.  Monday I had a chiropractic adjustment and a decompression session.  Normally, these go good.  However, this time, by the time I got home, I could hardly stand up straight.  The rest of the day and in to Tuesday, I could hardly walk.  I had an appointment with the neurologist which I almost cancelled, but it takes months to get another.  I was miserable for a couple of days.  

In a recent post, I said something like "I'm happy with where I am at in life."  That statement was really about how far I've come and my dreams for my business.  As much as I planned to do this or that for my professional self, I am still confident in the things I've accomplished.  At the time of my writing that post, I was dealing with and honestly still am feelings of my health or lack there of.

I love to read self-help things or even look at different forms of motivation.  My daughter follows an Ojibwe woman, that developed this "card game."  I'm not sure if I can explain it adequately.  Anyway, it is used as a counseling tool.  For the new year, she suggests that you draw 4 cards, one for each season.  Each card is an animal, that represents a word and direction on what you must work on in that season.  If you don't work on improving what the season has, you won't completely move forward in your "healing." My Winter card is Jack Rabbit - Perspective.  I'm supposed to have compassion for my previous mistakes.  

So, as I woke one day this week, the thought came to me, "I'm not mad at my body."  My body has accomplished some awesome things.  It's been through a lot in 58 years.  I'm not mad at it for failing me now, I asked it to do some crazy things.  If you only knew how many HEAVY pieces of furniture I've hauled, packed, moved, staged in the past 35 did good for what I asked of it.   

I do believe in signs and as I was leaving the doctor appointment the song on the radio was by Lauren Daigle "You're going to be okay."  I'm leaving, discouraged with my progression and I hear this.  When the song ended, the "word of the day" was about healing.  With my Jack Rabbit perspective, the lyrics in the song and the message of healing - these were signs that gave me hope.  

We are in week 2 and I feel I've already made so much progress in my "healing."  

What else is going on?  Well, this was our Christmas gift...and Al has been experimenting with it...freeze dryer.  This week he did strawberries and ground beef.  

As far as my working - we are back at it for 2025.  Working on our last phase of my friend Jan's estate sale.  We filled a trailer with the last items from her home.  Her husband is still living in the house, this was easier.  We started setting up the sale in our office space.  It will be January 25.  

If you happen to read all of this and you are struggling with something, look at it in a different way.  It was easy for me to say "my body is failing me."  However, I have asked my body to do some hard things.  I changed my way of thinking.  I'm not mad at my body, I'm actually thankful for all the things it has carried me through.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Simple Sunday Supper


So simple, so good.  Here is how I made it.  

Saute' onions, garlic, mushrooms 

I added S&P and Italian seasoning

Remove from heat, put in bowl.  

While the veggies are still cooking, pound out your boneless, skinless chicken breasts along with some oil for coating.  Once flat, add corn starch, enough to cover the breasts.  Add a bit more oil to pan and fry the breasts.

Fry them until you see clear juices bubbling from the middle.  Remove from heat, place in bowl with veggies.

In the pan with all those drippings, eyeball equal amount of corn starch to fat.  Make a rue.  As it absorbs in, add some chicken broth (or water) stir around so that is thickens and lumps break up.  To that add some heavy cream (a little or lot - depends on how you like it).  I also sprinkled some garlic and onion powder, S&P and Italian seasoning. 

Then dump your chicken and veggies back in the pan with sauce and let simmer for another 10 min or so.  I served ours over rice.

I was tempted to just drive to town and go get something to eat.  I'm glad I didn't.  This whole meal was done in the time it would have taken me to run for fast food and return home.  

I hope you give this a try.

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

Friday, January 3, 2025

Farmhouse Friday 2025 - Week 1


I love journals, calendars and such with cute artwork that inspires me.  I came across this artist and love it.  

Normal January in Wisconsin we have snow and lots of it.  However, this year we did, it melted and now we are waiting.  I like the hibernation that comes in January,   Dare I say, with the lack there of, even a snow storm to "keep us in" I miss it.  

From Christmas get together with family, 4H community service at the Homme Nursing Home, mild temps to enjoy the natural Vit. D to shopping the "bins" in Appleton, we have had a fun and rewarding week.  



Monday - Thursday

My porch plants are now taking up space in the laundry room.

Cup of tea in my greenhouse....little quick nap in the sun...until I heard a ruckus outside.  This hen, she wanted to come in.  She was relentless.  Silly girl! 

Then she brought friends....

With the nice weather they have been out free ranging every day.  We even found her sitting on an egg in the garage.  When did she get in there?  

Both daughters and grands went thrift shopping with us.  My friend Karen just happen to be there too.  Mind you, this is over an hour from our house.  Anyway, Karen came up behind me and said "I almost peed when I found this!"  I was loud...eek...she found a very primitive, hand painted, like maybe 100 years old, pantry box!  So nice!  That had to be the best thing in all those bins.  She loves primitives too.  I said "I'm sorry I screamed (ahaha)."  She said last week....her friend told her people were screaming while digging, because there was a mouse in one of the bins.  So, Shannon. if you are reading this....true!  Anna said she saw turds in other bins.  It takes more than a mouse or turds to stop me from digging.  

Have you ever been to one of those by the pound "bins" shopping places?  So many 20/30 somethings buying clothes.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year - 2025

Happy New Year!  

Have you been reflecting on your 2024?  Are you making any plans or goals for 2025?  I love beginnings of things.  The "coming up with idea," planning, preparing, starting these things are easy for me.  It's the ending of things, completing things, letting go that are hard for me.  

That is why I love January, it's always a new beginning.  Now, I know each day is a new beginning and I've had to start at that.  I've even started with "this is a new hour" - (wink, wink).  

2024 had many challenges for me.  I am truly an optimist and look for silver linings.  I mentioned it before, but in August, the unexpected death of my mother-in-love, really knocked us down.  Events after, just kicked us while down.  I know so many other people, have it much worse, but this is where I was at.  So, now I'm ready to move forward.

My reflecting on the past, had my remembering other low moments in other years.  I made it through those, tried to glean from them and grow.  Doing this actually helped me see how far I've come with some of the challenges I created for myself - yes, sometimes we create our own issues and challenges.  

Prior mental health professionals have told me that I struggle with "compare/compete" and "assume" issues.  At my LAST appointment with one of them, I challenged her with a position I took on something and asked "as a woman, mother you must feel this way too!  I can't be the only one!"  She stood up, walked out of the room.  She came back in and said "this session is about you, not me."  Well....that was true, however I didn't go back to her or any other.  I'm only sharing this with you, because I worked through my "diagnosis" on my own.  (obviously I prayed too)  She was right, I did let those things occupy too much of my head.  That 2024 reflecting had my seeing that I am at peace with where I am at and who I am.  

Now on to setting my 2025 goals.  I'm NOT going to pick a word of the year or set a resolution.  I'm not holding myself responsible for taking on every little sale (estate sales) that I'm asked to look at - I can't help everyone, Lord knows I've tried.  I'm not holding myself hostage to every single call, email, question in my private and business life.  I'm not going to jump in and create an event or opportunity for myself and put other's interests ahead of mine. Instead, I'm going to pick sales that are worth my time and efforts.  I'm going to set boundaries on what I share and how I answer.  I'm going to be as creative as I'm known to be, but for me first this year.  I think this sounds selfish, but at this point in my life - I don't care!  Selfish or self-care?  

Here is a couple poems I wrote.

For my business:  

Thanks for reading.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Annalee Dolls

 In my previous post, I showed you my Christmas tree and decorations of all my Annalee dolls.  Well, I made a little reel on Instagram with my pictures and one of my friends, message me and said her sister-in-law was selling some of those on market place in Iowa.  She sent me the pictures and I said "I'll take them!"  She then told me she had more.  So in a series of messages, images, bundling a deal for all, ride to visit Grandpa in Wisconsin for Christmas - I was able to add 20 more to my collection.  The ones I'm most excited for are the shepherd, Joseph, Mary and Jesus from the Nativity.  My new challenge to to assemble a Nativity of Annalees.  You always have to have something to look for as a collector right?! 

The oldest ones from this purchase is the Santa and Mrs. Claus sitting on the floor.  They are from 1971.  I like the older ones the best.  In my opinion, their faces are softer, friendlier than the newer ones.  

Well, one last Christmas today at my sister-in-laws house.  Like I said, first Christmas without Grandma on that side.  My daughter, Justine, made something so thoughtful for each family unit on this side.  I can't say what it is yet, but she did a super job and it will be a treasure, something to cherish forever.  

I've been nominated to do the beef tenderloin - pressure is on, as last year, when I made it everyone said it was "best ever had" - I can't remember what I I better get going and get started.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.  

Friday, December 27, 2024

Christmas Week

 I'm not sure of the day...ahaha...somewhere between Christmas and New Years.  The mixed up days of eating, visiting, napping, watching movies, staying in my pj's all day.  

I was gifted this plant from my mother-in-law.  It bloomed from Thanksgiving till Christmas.  It was beautiful.

We had a nice church service.  I read the book The Tree Trees and made all of these goodies for our after service fellowship.  I had so much fun making all the candy!  

I also made a couple batches of cookies.  

Baked sourdough bread

Our children and grands came over for a little lunch on Christmas Day

The smoked salmon was BEST I've ever eaten!

7 layer salad was a Christmas Eve tradition growing up and into my adult years when we all went to our parent's house.  My sister Lynn made it.  This is my first time making it.  I haven't eaten it for probably 15-20 years.  So good!

We also had roasted veggies, full fat mac & cheese, bacon wrapped dates and cocktail weenies, dips, cheese, ham, crackers.....

A few treasures from my mother-in-law's estate

Over the past few days, as I was cooking and creating, I did share it on my Facebook and Instagram page.  This morning I made a croque madame for breakfast and shared the picture.  My friend and neighbor sent me this.

Little did Lisa know that one of the main reasons I wanted this lifestyle was because of Martha Stewart.  I even named one of my first fancy hens after her.  I loved her magazine.  It was a compliment the younger me would strive for and the older me feels flattered.  

I told myself recently that I'm now to a point in my life where I can look back at the things the Lord has helped me do and be content and satisfied.   

I'm working on my New Years post - it is on this same order of a theme.  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.