
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tips on Tuesday - Saving Money - 52 Week Challenge

I saw this and thought it would be a nice thing to try this year.  Here is the link to the blog post:

You add the same amount of money as it is the week in the year.  So, no week would be more than $52.  This might get harder to do as the year progresses but, I am still going to give it a try.  It would be nice to have $1,378 saved in a jar next year this time.  

She also has templates for smaller amounts of weekly savings that children could even participate in with their allowance money.  Or just skip a cup of coffee each week and throw that in the jar - it is surprising how it adds up.

Are you up for the challenge?  

Blessings from Ringle, Wisconsin.


  1. Hi Jacky! What a great way to save money! I'm not up to the challenge, though. I do save money, just not in that way. It's kind of sporadic. Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!

  2. Count me in. This is a very nice idea on how to do saving the cool way.
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